3 ɤ Pretty Little Liar (BWWM) 📋

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A serious sweet tooth for gangsters can be both a plus and a minus.

Considering all that she had witnessed in her life, she was tough in her own way. Regardless of the ditzy blonde character that she played, she was far from being foolish.

To her, powerfully brutal men were also undeniably sexy. No matter if they were Prince Charming gorgeous or ugly as a pile of shit, Petra only cared that they knew how to kill and amass a fortune. The life she'd led before meeting Hiro wasn't some stupid fairytale. It was riddled with socially inappropriate careers such as becoming an adult magazine model, not to mention the decision to become an escort while in the States like she had been back home in Russia.

With a profession in the sex industry, she always managed to find herself in the company of primitive sexy creatures. Nothing mattered to her more than how much they were worth and that was the reason she found herself at ease any time she was in the company of the big bad wolves everyone else feared.

Her earliest struggles in life meant that Petra set out to find the scariest thug with the biggest wallet whenever she arrived in a new city. As luck would have it, not long after she made it to Louisiana and completed her reconnaissance, she had already received an inside tip on who ran the underworld in the area. Reflecting on the information on a half-breed gangster who lived in New Orleans, Petra salivated for the tall ominous-looking athletically built man as he strolled across an exclusive restaurant to the V.I.P. section up top.

The man was a must-have.

Hiro was an exotic athletic mixture of two worlds and Petra knew the moment she saw him, she had to have him. The more she analyzed the way others reacted to him, the more she craved to possess him. Half Japanese and half Russian origins made him the most unconventionally sexy being she had ever seen.

Six months after their initial encounter, he shared with her how he came to be. Hiro described how his mother met his father during her assignment as an interpreter in Moscow.

Her new beau went on to explain that the young Japanese woman had no idea her future husband was a member of a secret Russian criminal organization back in those days. The time came when she found out about the man's life, but it was too late since she was already pregnant with Hiro.

Much like his father, her son became a man so feared by other gangsters that no one dared cross him. His ability to inflict pain and suffering wasn't just known by other criminals, it was also whispered in hushed tones by all who lived the lifestyle of a thug. Diplomatically modelesque features carefully hid the rugged sadistic nature that was his official trademark. Anyone with at least the smallest measure of sense was ecstatic to deal with his associates rather than directly interacting with Hiro.

Only his family members were privileged to engage with the monster's softer more peaceful side, but the sad truth was that even the people he loved most were never entirely safe around him.

Should they fail to stay in their place, love would only get them so far with him whenever his mind switched.

From calm to callous.
From peaceful to war-like.
From man to animal.

Hiro advised her of the man that he was and how he had come to be. He also went as far as providing her with a subtle warning that stepping out of line could prove fatal to anyone.




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