11 ɤ The Client (BWWM) 📋

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Honor ran through the door as if she was in the last leg of a four-forty and was about to cross the finish line in the first place. It took her a minute to figure out why the door wouldn't close quickly enough. Breathing so erratic she was about to faint, Honor was determined to lock the place down before she passed out.

The bottom and middle locks were easily engaged. Just before she fastened the chain lock and secured it, her friend ran downstairs to greet her and nearly scared her to death.

"How was it?" All smiles and giggles, she entered the room.

If Honor didn't know any better, she would swear that little wench set her up with Mr. Psycho on purpose, but she had to believe her friend was incapable of that. Gillian was extremely careful to screen all new clients. She would never take on a project that might jeopardize the firm.

"How was it? You're seriously asking me that? Lord, please help me now. Please tell me you did some research on him?" 

Honor's eyes were wide as a kitty cat frightened after something bit its tail. She tried to maintain her composure as her nerves slowly fell apart.

"Hon, what happened?" The bright smile on her face morphed into deep frown lines as her friend took in Honor's frantic appearance.

Gillian transformed into someone who was ready to grab a straight razor if the wrong thing fell out of her friend-boss's mouth.

"How do you know Hiro Vasilev?" She questioned more forcefully.

"I don't know him. My cousin, Madame Antoinette, gave me the contact. Apparently, one of her customers was asking around for a good decorator when she remembered I work for you, so she referred the woman to us. Why? What happened?" Gillian continued as she tried to understand what went wrong.

"I was supposed to leave hours ago, but his mother and sister showed up as we were wrapping up our meeting. Instead of telling his mother that he was still with the woman--whom I believe is the same person who scheduled this walk-through without his knowledge mind you--he decided to pretend that I was his new girlfriend, instead of telling his family the truth." As Honor unpacked the whole sorted mess, Gillian dropped down onto the nearest chair for support. Her face screamed that she was blown away by the unbelievable fiasco.

"I just knew everything went well because he sent over a check as a retainer about an hour after you arrived at his home. When I saw how much it was, I went straight to the bank to deposit it. I was so surprised to see a check that size, I didn't want to take any chances." She whispered as Honor focused on her assistant's face.

"How much was the check?" Her eyes asked the question right along with her lips.

"It was 300." Again she lowered her voice as if the wrong person might hear her words.

"Chiiile... what are you talking about. That ain't no money." Honor responded to the other woman and turned to walk away shaking her head in disbelief.

Washing the day off her body was now the most important necessity nagging at her, but she had no desire to leave the office and go home. After the day's events, she felt safer in the company of her friend who luckily for her lived upstairs above the boutique.

"Not $300, Honor. It was $300,000." Those words did it. When she heard the amount, Honor stopped dead in her tracks.

Why would anyone pay that amount of money as a retainer before they ever discussed what could and could not be done or even before a contract was signed? Her mind made an earnest attempt to process the information, but it made no sense. Everything about him was eerily weird.

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