18 ɤ Ex'd Out (BWWM) 📋

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-Ghost of the Past-

At four o'clock in the morning, Hiro abandoned sleep as he sat up to linger on the side of his bed.

His eyes landed on the nightstand next to him where yet another black file lay awaiting his scrutiny. Not particularly concerned about the package or the information it contained, a single thought taunted him for the better part of two weeks as he mulled over the information he had received the last time a black file had reached his hands.

Though Hiro's senses were finely tuned to capture, profile, and record all that occurred within and even outside of his immediate vicinity, he still required hard cold facts that were supported by a paper trail to execute his vengeance on those who deserved to be punished.

Everyone envisioned him as a brute lacking morals or human decency. What they had no awareness of concerning Hirohito Nikolia Vasiliev was the process he employed to ferret out corruption, deception, and disloyalty. Though his methods were indeed brutal, Hiro was a man who believed in justice. Whenever he set his sights on someone who had committed an unforgivable act, the proof of their misbehavior was undeniable.

Not one single individual who witnessed and became a victim of Hiro's wrath was innocent.

They knew him. They knew of him. They were brought up to the understanding of how things came to be under Hiro's leadership. No one was blind to the man or his methods, so anyone who became a victim of his rage earned the boss's malice and there was no way around the monster once it was deployed.

Far too many people already questioned how he'd acquired his vast fortune while building himself into a formidable underworld figure. Because his heightened senses could never be documented or reported, Hiro made sure all of his I's were dotted and his T's were crossed before he moved on a target. Information regarding the nature of the beast would draw too much attention to him and that was something he would never allow.

Those who had at one time encountered his father assumed that it was merely a case of "like father like son". They imagined he was simply a monstrous bastard like his old man.

Hiro knew better than that.

He allowed those who knew him to assume whatever their foolish minds conjured up, but none of their speculations prompted him to share anything of a private nature regarding himself. It wasn't their business what lurked around in Hiro's mind nor was it anyone's business what slithered beneath his skin.

Never one to confirm or deny other people's speculations, Hiro simply was what he was.

For much of his life, he allowed the genius within him to build, create, and envision legitimate money-making ideas, patents, and plans that garnered the man wealth beyond measure. The meanderings of his mind were mostly business-related, and therefore, Hiro focused much of his time on matters that fortified what he had built without the help of his mother or his father.

He never wanted it to be said that he was a trust-fund brat who knew nothing about the ways of the business world. Those who had known him since he turned twenty-one, watched as he built his empire brick by brick. They saw the young man beaten and bruised far too often by a beast all other underworld bosses feared.

The same merciless figures witnessed the day when Hiro ended his father's reign of tyranny by slicing the man from navel to nose.

To be present when that side of him appeared was a danger no one cared to see. They came to learn that it was also that side of him of which everyone should be weary.

On the final occasion that Hiro caught his father abusing his mother, a dark force welled up in his heart until it sprang outward unfettered. From that moment on, whenever his eyes fell on the man, all that Hiro saw was blood. Though he fought the drive that pushed him to do the unthinkable, Hiro desired nothing more than to revisit the same acts upon his father the older man had gifted to him throughout his entire life.

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