III. Erica Oxton

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Chapter Three

"Dr. Remington. What an honor it is to finally meet Dr. Becker's former assistant."

Dr. Erica Oxton shakes my hand, her voice stiff and insincere despite her admiring words. She's white, small, blonde, with a cold expression and even colder blue eyes. I've heard many stories about her throughout my time in HYDRA. She came from Poland, graduated from university at age eighteen with a PHD in biomedical sciences, and was recruited into HYDRA soon after. Up until now she's worked on enhancements for HYDRA agents, such as the metal arm the Winter Soldier wears.

And now she's going to help turn Soroya into a cold blooded killer.

I force a stiff smile her way. "The honor is mine, Dr. Oxton. I look forward to working with you on Soroya."

Oxton, who up until now has been standing behind the desk in my office, picks up a file that's been resting on it's surface and begins reading through it. I've never used this office before, never felt a need to. It's day one of her being here and she's already made herself comfortable in here. That doesn't surprise me. She strikes me as the kind of person that takes what she wants and doesn't wait around to ask for anyone else's opinions or permission.

"Soroya Magdalena Roberts, born April 20th, 1988, subject number four and only survivor of PROJECT SHIFTER, has the ability to shift into any animal at will," Oxton reads aloud, her thin eyebrows creasing together. "It's odd that a project meant to cause one to transform into other human forms created a creature who can only transform into animals."

I try to make my curiosity believable as I say: "Dr. Becker and I had wondered that ourselves."

"You have been with subject four for nearly four years now, correct?"


"And in that time she has mastered her shifting and control in other forms, but not when it comes to kill orders. I have multiple notes here from Agent Barnes that subject four refuses to kill on command and tends to shift soon after given such commands."

"Yes, that's the situation."

"I also have notes here not just from Agent Barnes, but others as well, that you don't have a strict authority over subject four."

"Soroya," I reply curtly. "Her name is Soroya."

She stares at me for a moment before adding: "I also have notes claiming you have grown attached to her. I see now that these claims are true. No wonder I was called in. Subject four will never become what HYDRA needs her to be with you guiding her."

I say nothing, just clench my jaw and watch her shut Soroya's file. She stalks past me and opens her door, saying to me over her shoulder as she walks into the hallway: "It's time to wake subject four up."

I follow her out of the office and all the way to Soroya's cell. Soroya is still sleeping when we walk inside, and just as I begin to approach her, Oxton brings out a small device and places it on Soroya's arm. She pressed a button and sparks fly from it. Soroya immediately jolts awake, a scream of pain erupting from her mouth. She falls off the bed onto the floor, tears welling in her eyes as she rubs her now injured arm.

The sight makes Oxton smile. "You will be awake everyday by six o'clock. If you aren't, you will be punished. Am I clear?"

Soroya gapes up at Oxton in horror, but nods. "Yes."

"Get dressed. You have ninety seconds before I come in here and use this again." And with that, Erica Oxton stalks out, gesturing for me to do the same.

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