VI. Okoye

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Chapter Six

I was with Livy the last time she gave birth, but I don't remember it taking this long. Maybe it feels that way because this time we aren't in the middle of a great battle, or maybe it's because now I know she has a theoretically dangerous condition. Whatever the reason, it feels like this is taking forever, and I'm getting more anxious by the second.

Lee and I have been sitting in the waiting room, my head resting on his shoulder, his arm looped through mine. Sometimes we talk, sometimes we just sit in silence. Mostly we just stare at the double doors near the front desk and will the universe to speed this process along.

The universe ignores us.

With an annoyed huff I get up from my chair and begin to pace, expelling some of my nervous energy building up. Lee does the same, tearing his eyes from the door and settling on the vending machine across the room.

"You hungry?" He asks.

"Like you even have to ask?"

"What do you want?"

"Surprise me. And see if you can find coffee."

Lee leaves on his quest for snacks and caffeine, and while I wait for him to return, I pull out my phone and call the first person I think of, needing some kind of distraction.

"Jo, is everything alright?" Tess asks, their voice sounding groggy. I must have woken them up.

I glance at the clock on the wall and wince, suddenly feeling guilty when I realize it's getting close to one in the morning. "Yeah, I'm fine, I'm so sorry I woke you. I just needed someone to talk to."

"What's wrong?" Tess's voice sounds more alert, maybe even slightly worried.

I tell them about the bachelor party and the unexpected turn it's taken, and when I'm done, the first thing Tess asks is: "You're still in Long Island?"

"Yeah, we couldn't risk flying Livy all the way back home."

"Want me to come? I can keep you company while you wait."

I feel a rush of heat surge through my chest and a smile sprout on my lips. "No, it's fine. I just wanted to hear your voice."

I can tell she's smiling when she speaks again. "Are you sure? I don't mind."

"I'm sure. But thank have no idea what it means to me."

"I know how much your family means to you, especially your cousins. And I know how scary it is when something's wrong with someone you love and there's nothing you can do about it..." Tess trails off, their voice growing a bit tight.

Tessa's mother died of cancer and she was eleven, and afterwards she was raised by their father, who grew more and more distant as time went on, drowning in his own grief, leaving Tess to deal with their own sorrow and pain alone. That's another reason I don't want them coming here, I know she hates hospitals. I would never put them through the heartache of having to visit one again if it isn't necessary. The fact she is willing to come anyways...

Tess clears their throat, then continues. "My point is, I know how you feel—and I really care about you, Jo. More than I've cared about anyone in a really long time."

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