III. Future Fates

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Chapter Three

We set the Kimoyo Beads on the coffee table and then all five of us sit down on one of the couches. Zy presses record, and then I begin speaking.

"Mom, Dad, I really hope you receive this message. Don't worry, we're all okay. When the portal exploded we landed in 2012, in the alternate timeline Mom had told us about."

"We're with the Avengers, we told them everything. It was Stark's idea to send this message to you." Zy adds on.

"I know you guys are going to freak out when we tell you this, but...we're going with Steve and Natasha to help save you Dad, the other you," Stevie continues. As soon as Steve had announced his plans to rescue Dad, Natasha insisted on coming too. She's dealt with the Winter Soldier before and felt like her experience could be beneficial. I think that's only partially true. I think part of her wants to be there to help Steve in case we turn out to be psychos.

"I know you'll argue that it's dangerous, but how can we just stand by when you're being tortured in Siberia. It's not fair." Stevie says, his voice low, simmering with anger. I'm right there with him. Just the thought of Dad in HYDRA's hands, the thought of him tortured, chained, his mind broken...

"I'll make sure everyone is safe," Jo assures the recording. "Nothing can penetrate my shields, not even brainwashed you, Uncle Bucky."

"Ha. Penetrate." Stevie giggles.

Lee rolls his eyes while Jo retorts: "What are you, five years old?"

Stevie responds by sticking his tongue out at her. I ignore them and continue: "We promise we'll be careful, and...we really miss you. Hopefully we'll see you soon."

And with that we end the recording. Zy picks up the beads and uploads it into our family's cloud, giving the file the name 'urgent message'. I hope Tony was right and Mom and Dad will have access to it. If not, we're screwed.

"Did you send it?" Natasha asks from the doorway of the lounge. She and the other Avengers have been gearing up for our mission, packing various supplies that we might need, including a transport. We informed them that S.H.I.E.L.D can't be trusted, that HYDRA grew inside that organization like a virus, so instead of taking one of their ships, we are going to discreetly rent a cargo plane. Natasha and Clint didn't want to believe that S.H.I.E.L.D is compromised, neither did Steve, but they still took our warning to heart and have kept them out of this. We've proven that we're from the future, they can't deny what we're saying even though I know they desperately want to.

"We sent it," I nod towards the stairs behind her. "Are we ready?"

Natasha nods, letting out a sigh through her nose. We follow her up the stairs towards where the others wait for us near the broken and dusty bar. On the surface of said bar are backpacks which I'm guessing are filled the the essentials. We each take a one, and while we do so, Tony says to us in a stiff and mildly uncomfortable tone:

"I'll keep in contact with you through a secure network. If what you say about S.H.I.E.L.D is true, then we need to make sure they stay off your tail."

"I wish we weren't telling the truth, but we are." I assure him, trying to show him and the others how genuine I am. I think it works, because all Tony does is nod, as do the others.

We all pile into the elevator with Steve and Natasha, who both stay very silent on the ride down to the garage, where a large black SUV awaits us. Steve and Natasha get in the front seat, Stevie, Lee, and Jo in slide into the middle seats, and Zy and I slip into the back. Natasha is the one driving us to the private airport where we're renting the cargo plane, and I gotta say, her driving skills are pretty terrifying. She speeds out of the garage and onto the streets like she's in a race, and upon seeing our nervous expressions, she smiles. Steve looks just as uncomfortable as we do.

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