VII. The Rest of The Story

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Since this story was left unfinished, here are my notes and outlines for how the rest of the story played out:


- Alex and Jade stay on the ship and have a deep talk about their time in the same HYDRA base

- They go see Isaiah and it really hurts Sam to learn about the black super soldiers. He and Bucky have the blow out outside his house and he gets pulled over by cops. Then they get a call from Jade and she says Karli's adoptive mother died and they're having a funeral and gives the location.

- They contact John and Lemar and they all meet at that location. Sam and Soroya go in to talk to Karli alone but John fucks it up and a fight happens. He finds the serum Karli drops just before Soroya does. Once they have it they destroy it despite John and Lemar's objections. Alex arrives and gives them shit for keeping him out of the loop. John is pissed that he's here and Alex is an ass to him and both he and Lemar leave. 

- Sam then gets a call from Sarah that Karli threatened her and told her where to meet. They choose not to tell John about this and go to meet her alone. But John had threatened Jade into giving him the information on their current location and she gives it, but her cover is blown, alerting Karli who then attacks the others. They race off to where John and Lemar are engaging the other flagsmashers and Lemar dies. John then kills one of the flagsmashers and it's clear he took the serum

- they take the shield from John and knock him out. Sam wants to go back to Isaiah and so all of them do, including Jade. They hear what happened to him and afterwards Sam takes them back to his home. They all stay there and talk to Sarah and the boys. At night Bucky and Soroya talk about what they learned about Isaiah and Bucky wants to apologize to Sam and he hates that he contributed to Isaiah's pain.

- They heard John was stripped of his title as Cap. they all help with fixing up the boat, but Soroya really stays inside to help Sarah, as does Jade, who seems smitten with Sam and he with her. A little later Bucky and Sam are practicing with the shield and Soroya talks to them about what they both need and Bucky apologizes. then Sam begins training for real.

- Sam and Jade clearly have a cute thing going and she gets along really well with Sarah and the boys. Soroya and Bucky do too and talk about having kids and getting married again while there. This domestic scene makes Alex miss Khari and Khari ends up sneaking out of Wakanda and against his people's wishes to come see them. But he can't stay long. He brings Sam a new suit and wings, Alex told him he had damaged his own. then the big meeting is announced and Jade knows Karli will be there

- They use the Wakandan ship Khari came on to get to New York. The final fight ensues: Sam is kicking ass, Soroya and Alex help get the hostages from the helicopters. Bucky and Khari help to get the ones in the trucks, but it gets complicated when John shows up to kill Karli. Sam helps save that last truck from falling with Soroya and Alex's help, then they chase the flagsmashers into the tunnels. Soroya and Sam go after Karli while Bucky and Khari and Alex go after the others, they have no clue where John went. They find John fighting Karli and they try to apprehend them both, but Karli is killed by John, then they take down John. Bucky and the others find the flagsmashers and get them arrested

- Sam brings Karli's body back and has this whole speech about trying to conform everybody and relocate everyone like he does in the show. John is arrested. The remaining flag smashers are arrested, then Bucky says he has some stuff to take care of

- Cut to him going to talk to Yuri and he tells him about his son, Soroya and Alex and Khari are all there for him. He sends his book to his therapist and he's released from his obligated therapy sessions and making amends shit. Ross ignores what Sam said and drafts the infinity accords which will restrict enhanced people and those affected by the blip and the Avengers. He's allowed to return to Wakanda, but he has to become an official Avenger and do the government's bidding like the others. The four of them pack up their apartment and go back home and are greeted in a big reunion

- Soroya and Bucky get married. Sam, Sarah, her boys, and Jade come. Sam asks for Soroya and Bucky's help capturing remaining HYDRA agents still out there like Nagel. Jade wants to come along and help too. Soroya says she'll contact Caden and see if there are anyone he knows of.

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