III. The Flagsmashers

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Chapter Three

I wake up to find Bucky's side of the bed empty. He barely slept, he was tossing and turning all night, probably plagued once again with nightmares about RJ Nakajima.

It wasn't his fault. I keep telling him that, I keep telling him that none of what he did in HYDRA was his fault, but he doesn't believe me, or at least he doesn't believe it as much as I do. I think he recognizes that he didn't have a choice, but he still takes blame for his actions regardless of his brainwashing. He would probably feel much better and start having real closure if he was doing real good instead of acting as the government's janitor. Taking care of the criminals he enabled as the Winter Soldier won't help bring peace to himself or to the world. Doing so is forcing him to still live in the past. He needs to move on, to be allowed to go on real missions and be able to help people in real ways. He may never see himself as a victim the way I do, and if that's the case, he should be allowed to do what he needs to do to heal.

I think the answer to how he'll heal is Yori. I've told Bucky before and I did again last night, that he should tell Yori what happened to his son, help bring him closure and maybe bring himself closure. But he said he's not ready for that. I think he will be eventually though, and when he is, I'll be there to hold his hand.

I get out of bed and put my robe on, slipping out of our bedroom and heading towards the kitchen. I stop however when I see Bucky sitting on the couch watching tv, his expression livid. I immediately segway towards him, but before I can ask what's wrong, I catch a glimpse of the tv and halt.

There's a man in a Captain America uniform and holding the shield that isn't Sam. He's tall, white, well built, with neatly cut blonde hair, blue eyes, and a charming smile. He's very handsome, he kind of gives me the vibe of an 80's movie jock. He's smiling and waving to people as he sits next to the hostess for Good Morning America, answering all of her questions.

"John, I think the first thing people want to know is what is it like being Captain America? Do eagles fly overhead whenever you go?"

The man who isn't Sam laughs. "Yes and flags majestically blow in the wind."

The hostess laughs. "How has the tour been? They've done a big roll out for you haven't they?"

He nods. "It's the greatest honor of my life. How did a guy like me-"

The hostess stops him with a chuckle, looking down at the script in her lap. "A guy like you? Someone is being humble. For those of you who aren't familiar with our new Cap here: John Walker, first person in American history to receive three metals of honor, ran RF1 missions in counter terrorism and hostage rescue, the government did a study of your body at MIT, and you measured off the charts in every testable category; speed, strength, intelligence, endurance-"

John Walker humbly brushes these things off. "Look I'm not Tony Stark or Bruce Banner, I don't have fancy gadgets or super strength, but what I do have is guts. Something Captain America has always had, always needs to have, and I'm gonna need every ounce of it because I have big shoes to fill."

"Did you know Steve Rogers?"

"I've followed his career as an Avenger, I'd say I modeled my career after him-"

"So you've always wanted to be a hero?"

"I've always wanted to make people feel safe, and Steve Rogers was the kind of guy that could do that. He gave people hope. Even though I never met him, he kinda feels like a brother..."

I mute the tv after he says that, unable to bare anymore of it. Bucky doesn't look up at me, he just stares at the tv, at John Walker.

"Did Sam tell you?" I ask after a moment.

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