I. Que Sera, Sera

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Chapter One

The politician I was sent to kill didn't need much convincing to leave the country. He'd had run-ins with HYDRA in the past, and he'd apparently heard of me before, he knew my reputation. He took one look at me and begged for his life, begged me not to maul him like I maul my other victims. Even after I told him I was going to help him escape, he looked terrified of me, like I was a monster out of children's nightmares. When I gave him his new identity, passport, money, and a plane ticket, he stuttered a thank you and then asked me a question.

"Why did you help me?" He had asked.

"Because I'm not the monster you think I am." I had answered.

He didn't respond after that, but the look in his eyes told me that regardless of me helping him, he still thought of me as a monster. I don't know whether that's because I'm a HYDRA agent or a shapeshifter, or maybe both, but what I do know is that he isn't alone in that opinion of me. Every person I'm sent after views me the same way, as does every person in HYDRA.

It's my own fault really. I'm the one who crafted my reputation of being a vicious animal wearing human skin, of tearing the hearts out of my victims, of being HYDRA's perfect assassin. That reputation is why everyone looks at me with such fear, and though it bothers me, it's useful. Without my reputation I couldn't get away with helping my victims instead of killing them. I couldn't keep my brother and parents safe...wherever they might be...if they're even still alive.

I can't think about that right now. I have to focus, I have to get into the character I've crafted, the twisted HYDRA pawn that Alexander Pierce will be expecting when I call and inform him the job has been done.

I take a deep breath in, then I press call on the burner phone I was given to contact him in America. He and several other high ranking HYDRA agents are preparing for PROJECT INSIGHT, a project that I hope with every fiber of my being won't succeed.

Hope is all I have these days, which isn't much.

"Agent Roberts, I hope you are calling with good news." His voice sounds cold and emotionless as always.

Play the part. I must play the part. I force myself to laugh. "Have I ever not delivered, Director?"

"There's a first time for everything."

"Well you won't be disappointed. I located Roger Wilkes and disposed of him. I didn't sever any limbs this time because you're not here to receive it...and I may have gotten carried away."

"Carried away?"

"A girl's gotta eat, Director." I try to imbed as much playfulness as I can, even though I feel bile rising in my throat at the thought of eating a human being.

"Good work, Roberts. Your next mission is to track down and kill one of our recruiters. His name is Jason Kelly. He's not only been recruiting people for HYDRA, but for several Russian gangs, and we can't let a betrayal like that go unpunished nor HYDRA property be given away."

Property. Not human beings HYDRA is forcing to become agents, if they're lucky, and if they're not, test monkeys and target practice. I bury the disgust I feel and respond: "Got any leads?"

"His base of operations was at a house in Kazan, I will send you the address now. Find something there to track him with and kill him once you find him."

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