IV. Lost Together

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Chapter Four

We were able to find a scarf of Rowell's at the prison in Flagstaff, which has made tracking him down far easier. Well, the scarf and the FBI agents that have graciously offered us assistance in scoping Phoenix for Rowell's whereabouts. It's not often that the Avengers work with organizations like the FBI or CIA, but with our wedding in a few days, we wanted to move this mission along as quickly as possible.

With our combined efforts we think we've located Rowell. According to our FBI friends, there's another serum dealer living in Phoenix named Lester Noelle, and they believe Rowell is taking refuge in his home. Noelle is a lesser known dealer, still working his way up through the ranks of the rapidly growing criminal empire revolving around serums, but he has a big enough reputation that it makes sense why Rowell would seek him out.

Even if our intelligence is wrong and he's not there, Noelle will be, and capturing him is important too. No one is safe while there are people out there selling serums.

Noelle's house is just outside downtown Phoenix. It's a townhouse, painted a warm pastel yellow with white windowsills and a cream colored door. In the driveway is a red jeep, with a matching red bike resting on it's side in the lawn. The grass is freshly cut and watered, daffodils are sprouting in pots on the porch, there's a  cactus growing tall and strong near the mailbox. The whole property looks inviting and friendly, which I think is the idea. No one would suspect a criminal to live in such a nice house in such a highly populated area. I bet Noelle's guise as the kindhearted neighbor who plants flowers and rides his bike has gotten him far in his rising criminal career.

"I really like the yellow, do you think that color would look good in our bathroom?" Stevie asks as we head towards the house. We're going around the back, and once we give the word, our FBI friends will storm in through the front. They're currently hiding over a hill on the opposite side of the street.

"It would look very nice. And what about a pastel blue in the kitchen?"

Stevie nods his head eagerly. "I'm loving the pastels. How we've lived in a house with bright red walls this long is beyond me. It doesn't match our furniture at all."

I gesture to the house we're cautiously approaching. "Well it's not like we have ample time on our hands to redecorate with our line of work."

"Could we paint when we get back from our honeymoon? Maybe put in some new carpet in the living room?"

"Whatever you want, Babe."

Stevie grins at me, unlatching his shield from the notch on the back of his suit. He has a similar notch on his vibranium legl, so that when he's shifted, the shield can attach onto his back so he doesn't lose it. Another ingenious design of Shuri's. "You're too good to me." He says.

"You can thank me later."

Stevie arches a brow. "Really? How?"

I give him a playful grin. "Surprise me."

Stevie fights back a smile of his own. "All my ideas are dirty."

"The dirtier the better in my opinion."

"Once we get back home your parents are staying at our house, I don't think we'll be able to do all the things I have in mind."

"Then I guess we'll just have to wait for our honeymoon."

Stevie groans. "Our honeymoon can't come soon enough."

"Tell me about it," I agree with a sigh. We've now reached the back door, but before I open it, I look over Stevie and ask: "You ready?"

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