IV. The Rest of the Story

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Since this story was left unfinished, here are my notes and outlines for how the rest of the story played out:


- Eira instructs Liam to use his emotions (fear, anger, hatred, hope) and let it fuel his powers, like adding wood to a pyre. Up until now he's only been viewing his powers on a physical level, not mental or emotional. His powers immediately start getting stronger.

- Stevie is worried Liam is going to take unnecessary risks in order to save his parents, but he knows he can't ask Liam to hold himself back. That's not fair. So instead, while Liam trains, Stevie makes a plan with Bucky

- when the day arrives for them to go confront Erebos, Stevie and Liam have a passionate moment on the ship ride there, and the usual "I love you and don't die" comments are made

- Erebos and Liam's fight is slow at first, with both testing the waters to see the other's power, but the battle quickly turns violent. Since Erebos is distracted, Bucky and Stevie are easily able to free his parents from captivity. Bucky promises to guard them while Stevie tries to help Liam.

- Liam is internally battling with the choice of killing him, but he knows Erebos isn't giving him a choice. He'll continue to be a threat to those he loves and to everyone he comes across. Liam manages to get Erebos in a position where he's holding up at sword point (he made a sword out of light) but he's hesitating. Erebos tries to use this hesitation to his advantage, but Stevie dives in with the sword Kieran gave them. He jabs him in the chest, taking him off guard, then he grabs the light sword's hilt and shoves it into his chest. He took the killing for Liam

- Liam's parents are grateful of course, and since they all nearly died, they agree to let the past go and just move on. No more grudges.

- Liam approaches Eira about restarting the Light Knights and after some convincing from her wife, she agrees. They agree to start training Light Elves children on Alfheim a couple times a week. Children's powers are moldable and can become greater if they train early enough. Liam and Stevie talk about possibly adopting a Light Elf child one day, and they both really like that plan

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