VI. Wilfred Nagel

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Chapter Six

Soroya wasn't kidding when she said Caden Harvey's resources and connections are considerable. This morning, after eating a very nice breakfast prepared by a personal chef, Harvey informed us that Wilfred Nagel is hiding out at a dock near High Town. He also said that he has a client of his named Elizabeth McAllister tracking the Flagsmashers. I recognized the name as soon as he said it, she used to work for HYDRA as a hacker. Apparently she didn't quite the craft after HYDRA fell, luckily for us, unluckily for everybody else.

While she finds out where the Flagsmashers are, we go to confront Nagel. Harvey gave us a car to use and we went straight to the dock. We asked Jade if she wanted to come along, confront Nagel and get some closure, but she refused. I can't blame her. It's hard facing the people who held you captive and treated you like a tool for their use, it's hard facing such a tragic past. When we're done with Nagel I plan on putting a couple bullets in his chest, maybe then Jade can have some semblance of peace. But as I know all too well, peace for HYDRA's weapons aren't easily achieved.

"Harvey couldn't tell us exactly where Nagel was could he? That would be too easy." Walker complains as we exit the car. The dock Harvey has sent us to is filled with shipping crates, so many I can't even see where they end.

Lena glares at him. "Caden has done a lot for us, maybe you should be grateful."

"Maybe you should quit relying on criminals to achieve your goals. But maybe that's too difficult for you given that you used to be a criminal yourself."

Now Lena turns to him fully. "Do you have a problem with me, Walker? If so just say it."

Walker's voice and attitude is so arrogant and so holier-than-thou that I actually have to physically restrain myself from punching him. "I just don't get why you're so worshipped. Everywhere I go, from everyone I meet, all I hear is how great you are," Walker scoffs, looking to be on the verge of spitting on the ground in disgust. "Not only are you an ex-HYDRA agent, but you made a reputation for yourself mauling people and ripping their hearts out and presenting them as trophies."

"It was an act," Lena's voice is simmering with rage. "An act I created to save my family's lives and the lives of the victims I helped save, an act that saved us last night from dozens of people who want us dead."

Walker continues as if she hadn't spoken, his tone of disgust growing. "You're not even really human. You're just an animal wearing human skin."

I'm about to beat this bastard into the ground, but Lena steps forward, looking straight up at him, an inhuman snarl rumbling from the back of her throat, making me pause.

"You'll do well to remember that, Walker." Lena replies, causing a flash of fear to form in his eyes. It's more satisfying to watch than punching him in the face, though I swear one day I'll beat him so badly he won't be able to ever move properly again, and it will feel damn good.

Lena walks away from him, heading towards the crates. I follow after her, falling into step beside her and slipping my hand into hers, squeezing it tightly. She squeezes back.

"I love you." I whisper into her ear.

Her expression is still clouded with anger and sorrow, but she manages a smile and whispers: "I love you."

Lena uses her tracking abilities to find the crate Nagel is using as a hideout, not only can she smell him but she can smell a ton of chemicals that are most definitely being used to experiment with serums. The scents are coming from a red shipping crate, and upon entering it, we find it empty. Walker is about two seconds away from insulting Lena's tracking when she presses against the wall opposite the entrance to reveal a secret door. She shoots me a smile and says: "Like Alex said, there's always a secret door."

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