X. Anika & Joseph

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Chapter Ten

Things have been tense since Uncle Alex was rescued yesterday. When we all woke up this morning, we ate the last of our food supply in silence. Uncle Alex glared at Dad the whole time, the hatred and vengefulness in his gaze setting Stevie and I on edge. We have sat protectively on either side of Dad all morning. Our animal instructs have been going haywire, alerting us that a threat is imminent. I never thought I would view my uncle as a threat. I hate that I have to. It reminds me of those days that the Savage and the Shifter had control of his and Mom's bodies. It makes me sick to my stomach.

After we finished eating, we waited for Nick Fury to arrive. Natasha told him everything, and apparently he didn't even question it, just said he'd be there by morning. Natasha is standing outside the cabin while the rest of us sit in the cabin, our nerves bundled, our stomachs in nots. I know Nick Fury is trustworthy, but Dad, Mom, and Uncle Alex certainly don't. They're going off of trust alone, which is something they're not used to relying on. The rest of us are anxious for a whole different reason. When Nick Fury arrives, he's going to take us to Pennsylvania and aid us in helping our grandparents escape. I'm worried something will go wrong, that Mom and Uncle Alex will have to lose them like they did in our time. I'm also worried we'll never get the chance to meet them. It's something Stevie and I have always regretted, and I hope now we can rectify that.

There's a radio in this cabin, and soft jazz music has been playing in the background since we woke up. Steve gets sick of it and decides to play with the dials, finding a 40's music channel after a few minutes of searching. The song that floods through the worn speakers is 'From The Time You Say Goodbye' by Vera Lynn. I feel a smile curve onto my lips, one that is echoed by Stevie, Lee, Zy, and Jo as they recognize the singer.

The others notice, with Mom inquiring: "What is it?"

"In our timeline, you sang to Dad while you were on the run together and it was the moment he realized he was in love with you," Stevie explains. "He said you sounded just like Vera Lynn. It's kinda a thing between the two of you."

"Do you guys think she sounds like Vera Lynn?" Steve inquires, seeming genuinely curious.

We all nod, with Zy saying with a smile. "She has the most beautiful singing voice."

"Well now we have to hear it." Steve insists, his eyes falling to Mom.

She gawks him, then at the rest of us. Mom has always disagreed about her talents with singing, and she's never understood how we think she sounds like Vera Lynn. She thinks the notion is ridiculous. But after a second or two she nods, singing along to the song flooding from the speakers.

"From the time you say goodbye, from the time you say cheerio, will you take a handshake true for your journey as you go? Leave a prayer within your heart, that the time will surely fly, to the day when we shall meet again, from the time you say goodbye."

Dad stares at Mom with an emotion resembling shock and awe. Steve just smiles, giving a single nod of his head.

"You do sound like Vera Lynn."

"And you sound beautiful." Dad says a little breathlessly.

Mom blushes a deep red, making Uncle Alex roll his eyes. Stevie and I share a grin.

Mom audibly releases a sigh when Nick Fury sets his QuinJet down on the lawn in front of the cabin, as does Uncle Alex, probably for different reasons. The nine of us flood out of the cabin and go to stand next to Natasha, who grins at the man who walks down the ramp.

Nick Fury looks just like every picture we've seen of him. None of us have ever met him, but we've heard countless tales of his bravery and over all 'badassery' as Stevie would put it. He's wearing all black, with thick boots, a long trench coat, and he's sporting his famous eyepatch. His eye darts between all of us before settling on Natasha, who he nods his head once to.

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