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This is an unwritten story about Soroya, Alex, and Bucky on an impromptu mission during the events of Brainwashed. It is NOT canon. Enjoy


- The trio arrive in Paris, they find a run down motel with a nice view. Soroya and Bucky agree to go get some supplies while Alex takes a nap. They buy some pastries and end up on this roof that looks at the Eiffel Tower and they're so flirty and clearly in love. While they're up there they spot a man they knew from HYDRA, an agent. They watch him enter a club and he looks suspicious.

- Later they're all eating together. Bucky wants to see what he's up to and Soroya agrees. Alex wants to help but he's still unpredictable with his shifting so they designate him to watching their stuff and train while they check it out. He hates it, but agrees. They turn on the old TV and watch a movie together

- In order to get into that club they will have to blend in, so they leave to go get some nice clothes. They have like a pretty woman moment. Bucky gets a suit and Soroya gets a really beautiful red dress that makes Bucky go nuts. Alex is going to be on the roof across the street waiting to see if they need any backup, he's not dressed nice. They watch the HYDRA agent go into the club and follow him, but he disappears behind a guarded door. They call Alex and ask him to find some sort of back entrance and while he does that, Bucky and Soroya blend in and dance together and nearly kiss. Alex found a back entrance and the two of them go in through that entrance, leaving Alex outside.
They go in and find the HYDRA agent along with some other thugs. They fight them off and chase them out of the club but they get away. They go back into the room they were held up in and find a secret door that leads to a bunker of sorts. Inside is a large safe filled with money and files belonging to Baron Strucker

- They take the files back to the motel and find out that Strucker has multiple hidden vaults like that throughout Europe and Asia. The closest one is in Munich Germany. They want to go there and see what Strucker is up to. They wake up the next morning in their stolen car and drive to Munich. They jam out to music and talk about random things, and when Soroya is taking a nap in the back, Alex encourages Bucky to act on his feeling after the almost kiss last night. Bucky tells Alex he doesn't feel worthy of her. Alex disagrees.

- they make it to Munich and get a crappy motel where they leave their stuff at. They go to the vault, which this time is apart of a bar, and find no one there. Alex talks to the bar tender who says the people they are looking for were in here earlier and that they come every few months to check 'mister strucker's' assets. Apparently Strucker owns these buildings and keeps them going as covers for his vaults. The people working there don't know who he really is. They ask him what they took out or what they brought in and the bar tender says that were transporting some sort of case. He doesn't know what was in it. The bar tender says the agents will be back tomorrow. They go back down to the vault and break it open, finding said case. They open it and see that it's Loki's staff.

- They leave the staff there and plan to come back tomorrow to find out what they are using the staff for. Alex goes out to get some food, Soroya and Bucky are left alone. They talk about that almost kiss they had and Bucky tells her what he told Alex, that he doesn't deserve her but she admits she's in love with him and wants to be with him. They do kiss but it's interrupted by Alex.

- They go back to the vault later and find the agents there. Soroya shifts into a small animal and goes in to spy on their conversation. The agents are on the phone with Strucker, who asks if they got the staff from Paris and brought it to Munich like they planned. And then they ask if Klaue had given them a hard time for smuggling it, they say no. The agent asks why they couldn't leave the staff in Paris, Strucker says that they couldn't risk leaving it there after they were found and they can't risk sending it to Sokovia yet. In two days, a group of agents will arrive to safely bring the staff to Sokovia while he and his team travel with a fake case so if Soroya is following them then they can lead her on a false trail. She reports this back to Bucky and Alex and they agree they have to go to Sokovia. But they need to be able to track the car when it gets there so they know where Strucker is hiding.

- They spend two days making a tracking device and when the car arrives they attach it to the car and follow them (have to stay within a few miles) they make a plan while they are in the car and eventually address the kiss that Alex walked in on and things are a little awkward. They each take turns driving and when Bucky drives through the night he and Soroya talk alone and agree to try to be together.

- they get to the Sokovia base and are able to sneak in because of Soroya and Alex. They find the secret room where all the alien tech are and the staff, but they all get caught and knocked out. They wake up to find Strucker there and he wants to use the staff to make more creatures like them, people with superpowers. But since they're there, he plans to use them too, perhaps make more shapeshifters that he can use against his enemies. He uses the staff on Soroya and Alex and Bucky, telling them to round up prisoners in the base for testing. But Soroya and Alex are fine because the staff has gamma radiation in it and so do they. When they are sent off on their assignment, they get Bucky into an empty space and fight to wake him up. Soroya is the one that gets through to him. Together they go to the prison and let everyone free, and those prisoners take out Strucker along with their help.

- they take the staff away from the base and call in anonymously to the Avengers, leaving the staff for them to get it. With all that taken care of, they drive away and stop at another crappy motel. Alex says he'll go get dinner and that leaves Soroya and Bucky to have some time alone. Bucky is afraid he'll hurt her because at any moment someone could trigger him but she doesn't care. She wants to be with him whatever that means, even if they're on the run forever. Eventually he gives in and they kiss, looking forward to their life together

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