XII. Prisoners

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Chapter Twelve

When we were all dragged off the helicopters we were taken into a large base. It looks just like a S.H.I.E.L.D facility, all pristine and polished like any government building, with guards posted all around the building inside and out, and a security system to rival Stark Tower. As we were led inside, I caught glimpses of the people working here; the agents, the guards, and the scientists. The all had a malicious and secretive glint in their eyes that told me none of them are actually working for S.H.I.E.L.D. They're not the poor people caught up in a conspiracy they don't understand. No, these people are keeping that conspiracy alive. They didn't even glance our direction as we were led down the levels of the base, towards whatever imprisonment or torture awaited us.

The prison cells are on the eighth level, and each hallway of cells is designed to hold different kinds of prisoners. Some are meant to hold regular people. Some are meant to hold unstable experiments. Some are meant to hold enhanced humans. And some are meant to hold prisoners who can escape easier than others, like a shapeshifter. Soroya, Alex, Stevie, and Livy were all brought towards a line of cells that look basically like iron boxes. No windows, no gaps, not even a slot in the door to see inside. It's completely isolated, too thick to break through, and I catch a glimpse of chains resting on the floor.

"Stevie!" I yelled as he was dragged away, seeing his fear. No one cared, no one even bat an eye at his frightened expression or mine. The guards just took us to cells of our own. Steve, Zy, and I got thrown into cells clearly built to hold enhanced humans. It's not as aggressive as the cell Stevie is in, but it's not a cell you'd find at a regular jail either. It's made of the same thick metal as the others, with thick bars and chains attached to the floor and walls. Nick and Natasha were taken somewhere else, I don't know where.

I don't know how much time passed before my cell door opened. My suit was taken from me and so were the extra vines I usually keep on me. I was completely defenseless besides my fighting skills, which won't help me now, and the little light I'm able to conjure thanks to my Light Elf blood. As the guards started pulling me from my cell and forcing me down the hall, I started to come up with a plan. Maybe I could conjure enough to blind the guards, then I could knock them out, find the others and...and then what? There are hundreds of agents in this building. Even with all of us out together, we wouldn't stand a chance.

The guards led me to a brightly lit room one floor up. There's two chairs, with chains attached to the arms and legs, a table in the corner, and a drain in the middle of the floor. I felt my stomach sink as I realized this is the interrogation room, as I realized exactly what that drain is for. The guards forced me down into one of the chairs and chained my hands and feet, then they left without another glance my way. The door opened again moments later, and in strolled Alexander Pierce along with two guards, both of whom were hauling in Stevie, who looked so tired he was barely able to walk. They must have drugged him, made it harder for him to shift. He practically fell into his chair and didn't so much as struggle when the guards chained him. His head lulled to the side and his eyes fluttered opened and closed, he barely registered anything going on. I pulled and tugged at my chains to no avail, forced to sit there and watch him struggle to stay conscious.

"Stevie, Stevie stay awake. You gotta stay awake." I urged.

"Mmmm." Is the only reply I got from him.

My eyes flickered to Pierce. "What did you do to him?"

Pierce didn't answer me, he just placed his hand on the back of Stevie's chair, making me tense up. Pierce noted that movement and smiled. "We ran tests and scans using security footage from Siberia and found no data on any of you. It's like none of you exist. So my question is, why do five children who seemingly appeared out of thin air know the location of top secret HYDRA prisons and prisoners? I know Rogers and Romanoff didn't know of Barnes's location, nor did Roberts know of her family's. If they did, they would have attempted to rescue them years ago. The five of you are what led them there, and I want to know how and why."

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