Chapter 37

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Looking in the mirror, Isabella can't help but smirk as looks herself up and down. Her body is covered in the dress she borrowed of Rosalie just yesterday and her feet were put in black flats that match the light but noticeable smoky eyes Alice put on her face a few minutes ago. Hearing a low knock at the door, she turns her smirk in an innocent smile as she makes eye-contact with Edward through the full-body-mirror.

"Are you ready?"
he questions her; Bella's brows furrowing as he doesn't even seem to notice how dressed up she is.

"Are you?"
she asks back; his head nodding up and down as she walks over to him, letting him kiss her temple for barely a second before he puts his hand on her mid-back. He is not really touching her and yet she can feel the presence of his hand.

Leading her towards the throne room, Isabella's eyes land on Kyra sitting on the rest of Aro's throne, most of her weight put on his head as she uses it to hold herself up. Marcus is sitting on his own throne, with the brunette, the one Kyra was so protective of a few days ago, sitting on his lap and a light smile worn by both of them as he plays with her hair, putting it into a more or less neat braid. Caius is sitting on his own throne, his glare directed to her and his typical smirk letting his appearance seem even darker and even more dangerous.

the one in the middle smiles his creepy smile at her.

he adds with a small nod sent in the direction to the bronze haired boy.

"Alec is going to show you the room."
Marcus speaks up.

"And he is going to stay with you. He is going to stop you in case things get... emotional."
Aro continues with a look Isabella can't quite make out. But she just brushes it off as Alec stopping him from drinking too much of her blood.

"Thank you."
Edward bows his head slightly while Isabella does not react at all.

"Follow me."
Alec tells them and the masters as well as the guards and Kyra watch as Edward and Isabella follow after the less irritated twin through the room and towards one of the doors at the back of the room.

Edwards mind is running wild and he sighs relieved as they are finally far enough away from the throne room to blend their thoughts out completely. He couldn't bear it anymore; Kyra's inner battle about this whole things and about her wondering how to tell Charlie, the man who has lost so much already.
Caius's thoughts about how excited he is about all of this and about how much he wishes he could do it himself.
Aro's contemplation whether or not to push Kyra off his throne and his process of thoughts about how much she is actually able to control him and the other masters.
Markus's mind completely focused on Didyme in his arms and how lucky he is to finally have her back; how she is the only thing that really matters and how she is the only one he has ever loved and ever will love.
Didyme worrying about both Kyra and Markus; Kyra because no matter what she says, she does care about her cousin to some extant and Markus because the two of them are relying too much on each other.
Jane's annoyance about them still being here and Edward being mated to Valentina; something she doesn't seem to be a fan of at all.
Felix's stupid banter in his hand about what he is going to eat later on; a little brunette or a little blonde, how he calls them.
And Demetri's possessive thoughts hating how close Kyra and Aro are seated as well as something else that has been capturing his mind for a while.

Shaking it off like a nasty flea, he looks around the room they just entered. It looks like it was made for turning people and in his mind, this doesn't sound too far gone. Taking in the full-body-mirror places in one corner and the small table filled with make-up next to it. There is also a closet put in the room, standing against the wall that also holds the door. A window is showing the beautiful view to the flowery garden of Didyme and some ancient looking paintings are adorning the wall around it. One the left side of it is a painting held in dark colour. There is a small river flowing through the mid until he ends in a red sunset that brings out the cloudy night sky. Leafless trees are places around the water, their roots covered int a bit of snow and two tiny little birds are to be seen in the littlest bit of white paint.
One the right side of the window are three smaller paintings hanged in a triangle. The one at the top shows a burning forest; also held in black and red colours.
The one in the middle is simply showing a black background mixed with hints of different types of red here and there making it look messy and random and yet a knower could interpret the pain and anger the artist must have felt while painting it.
And the last one shows a simple girl standing in flames; once again in red and black. His eyes focus on the signatures in the right bottom corner and he nearly raises a brow in surprise as he makes out the name. Caius.

Alec leans against the door as he watches Isabella sits down on the high bed; her eyes trained on Edward, who suddenly doesn't look too sure anymore. Not because of the fact that she is going to die, he is rather doubting himself.

Would he really be able to taste human blood once and go back to animals that easy; especially if said human is his blood singer. Would he really be able to look at himself knowing he disappointed Carlisle once again. He is already thinking of himself because he killed those criminals all those years ago and now he is supposed to kill an innocent human? Can he really do that?

Glancing over to Alec, who raises a challenging brow at him; his eyes holding a sparkle that is already teasing him about being too weak to do something like that and he feels his ego as well as manhood feel attacked as he looks back to Isabella; determination now clear in his eyes.

Lowering his head to her neck, he takes another second before letting his sharp teeth pierce through her skin; her blood tasting sweet on his tongue. The feeling of the liquid feels like heaven and he can feel the control slowly dripping from his grip as he completely ignores are weak attempts to fight back; the breathed pleads to stop and the desperate pushes trying to push him off herself.

Alec watches impressed as the life slowly leaves Isabella's body; her eyes staring pathetically at him as she silently pleads for help. He didn't think he had it in him to actually go through with it. He really didn't.

Edward lets go off Isabella as no sign of life is left inside of her and turns to look at Alec; his teeth proud on display, his eyes now a reddish colour and his chin covered in blood.

"You're a disgustingly messy eater, dude."
Alec grins as he walks over to the Make Up table, pulling out a drawer to throw one of the tissues in it at Edward, who catches, still panting rather heavily. 

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