Chapter 35

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"Ouch. Bitch!"
Kyra curses as she is fighting against Felix, who isn't feeling like letting her win at all. Rubbing the spot on her cheek that split as he slammed her face front on the ground, she nearly dances in relief as she sees Emmett and the rest of the Cullen boys enter the room.

"Hey, Emmett."
she calls out for him.

"I bet you have always wanted to fight the idiot over there."
Kyra smiles innocently as she points at her soul brother, who turns to glare at her; indicating an attack, she quickly flinches away and speeds behind Jasper, who looks at her in amusement.

"I have."
Emmett nods enthusiastically.

"Then show me what you got."
Felix indicates for him to come at him with his pointing and middle finger.

Jasper shakes his head at the obvious attack of his brother but doesn't comment any further as Kyra pulls him towards Dorothy, a woman that was turned during world war one but still fought during world war two alongside a few other vampires. Most of them ended up slipping during the battles, none of them able to stand the blood but Alec found her just as her thirst got too much to handle.

After introducing Edward to a vampire with the gift to block other's power and Carlisle to an older vampire, who would have died of black plague, if he wouldn't have been rescued by some unknown stranger, Kyra leans back happily and watches them all fight. And once again, she escaped her work by letting other people do it for her.

Feeling arms wrap themselves around her, Kyra's eyes widen in surprise and she quickly turns around.

she goes to say as he interrupts her with a kiss. His hand sneaks around her waist to pull her close and his other hand rests on her cheek, stroking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Breaking the kiss, he leans his forehead against his and lets his thumb draw patterns on her skin as their eyes don't seem to be able to tear away from one another.

"You're back."
Kyra states the obvious. Her voice quiet and soft.

"I'm back."
he repeats. His voice quiet and exhausted.

Letting her fingers move from the side of his hips to his neck, Kyra leans back up to connect their lips once again.

"Hey. You guys don't get paid for hoeing around."
Felix calls as he mindlessly pushes Emmett's face against the wall; not caring about the Cullen fighting back at all.

"At least I have someone to hoe around with."
Demetri mumbles to himself before pulling Kyra in yet another kiss. This time more passionate just to provoke and annoy Felix a little more.

Hearing a grown come from their brother, a smirk falls onto both their faces as they finally pull away from each other.

"Now was that really that hard?"
Felix asks with a raised brow; his weight still put onto Emmett, who has given up fighting back by now. That's quite a sight, actually. Emmett hanging against the wall, the only thing holding him up is Felix, who uses his head as something to put his weight on; one of his legs stretched out while the other one is lazily leaning against the other leg.

"No, but there is another thing that's quite hard."
Demetri smirks.

Looking between the two of them, Kyra rolls her eyes before making her way over to Jasper, who by now is standing with the rest of his family; besides Emmett, who is still being held by Felix. Looks quite uncomfortable to be honest.

the ginger finally means.

"Yes, patatina?"
Felix smirks; her eyes rolling to the back out of her head out of instinct. She hates that name. Like who got the stupid idea to call a child "little potato". What is she? Vegetable?

"Let him go."
she orders; the authority tasting like honey on her tongue.

Sending her a challenging look, the two of them simply stare at each other for a few moments until he lets go of Emmett's face; the vegetarian vampire sliding to the ground as he didn't expect the guard to actually let him go. Staring at Kyra for a second longer, the pout shining through his eyes, he turns back to Demetri; the pout immediately turning into a playful glare that goes well with the smirk adorning his lips.

"It doesn't seem to bother Kyra you've got a hard one."
he smirks; knowing fully well Demetri will flip the moment his mate gets pulled into this.

"Are you sure you have someone to hoe around with?"
he adds, watching as the colour disappears from Demetri's eyes.

"Are you sure you will be able to hoe around after I'm finished with you?"
the dirty blonde vampire gives back.

Kyra rolls her eyes once again before simply turning around and walking over to the mini fridge they so smartly put into the trainings room in case someone gets seriously hurt or just needs a break and well... a snack. She doesn't see the two of them fighting, she just hers their grunts and bickering that sounds more like a weak attempt to rile each other up. Though, it seems to be working as the two of them get more engaged into the fight as the seconds tick by.

Finishing the blood bag, Kyra throws it away before brushing past the vampires, who are now all watching the idiots fighting for whatever reason.

"Well, I'm gonna go."
she comments; completely ignoring the fact that probably nobody is listening to her.

"There are better ways to spend my time. Like eating, or annoying Caius. Or stripping until I'm completely naked and go dance on the roof where everyone can see me."
Kyra keeps talking to herself.

"Have fun, mia cara."
Demetri tells her not having heard a single word that left her mouth.

Groaning with yet another eye-roll, Kyra leaves the gym and makes her way to the throne room; sitting down on Caius's throne with her legs dripping over one arm rest and her head leaning against the other one as she slouches into the chair. It's currently Caius's torture time; meaning, he is in the dungeons making one's life a bigger hell than it already is. 

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