Chapter 40

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"Where are we going?"
Kyra asks Demetri as he gives her a piggy back ride.

"Aro rented Ai Pioppi Playground for the weekend."
Alec rolls his eyes; secretly excited.

Looking over to the twins, Kyra just shrugs before cuddling back in Demetri's back, closing her eyes un content.

Jane and Alec find themselves in some kind of hide and seek game, one of them running ahead to hide somewhere along the way and the other one has to search for the other sibling. At some point Felix joins them as well leaving Kyra to roll her eyes as she hops off Demetri's back, nodding at him to go and join them. Now, Demetri is not allowed to search because of his gift, obviously, but he does like to hide and confuse his friends sometimes. Well, all the time.

Glancing over her shoulder, Kyra silently decides which one the bigger loss is; Caius's sulking ass, Edward's and Valentina's awkward tension, Aro's, and Marcus's history conversation, Didyme's and Sulpicia's silent talk about Athenodora or the child's play in front of her.

Puckering her lips, she slows in her steps to walk next to Caius. He has gotten better over the last month and even tried to cover his pain up with his usual but more brutal façade; not that anyone of the Volturi has believed it.

Demetri had been gone the last week to track down Athenodora in Brittan before Aro called him back; claiming they need a few days for themselves to bound again and to regain their relationships after the trouble and problems over the last weeks. Which is how they find themselves where they are... where ever that is.

Caius has been relying on Kyra and Jane more than he would have admitted to anyone, but it was probably what saved him from turning to the soulless and mindless self of himself Markus has been over the last decades. They were one of the only ones who didn't look at him with pity or tried to cheer him up, the two of them just acted as if nothing has happened... they acted as if he were still... normal.

"You're getting slow, blondie."
Kyra smirks up at him as she turns around in front of him; now running backwards as good as possible as she just trusts Caius to tell her when she threatens to run into a tree or someone else.

"Excuse me."
he huffs out.

"Just for your information, I am not getting slow."
Caius tells her.

"You sure? Cause you seem to hang behind quite a lot."
the ginger teases.

"I am not necessarily exited to be involved in four grown up vampires playing around as if they were five."
he tells her; his eyes flying behind her for barely a second as he has to supress a smirk.

Kyra questions him sceptically.

Caius shrugs it off, grinning evilly as she turns around; just in time to run into a tree.

the ginger comments as she falls on her behind; her hand reaching up to her forehead that has cracked slightly.

Hearing a snicker from next to her, Kyra turns to glare at Valentina and Jane, who are trying their hardest not to laugh; unlike Caius who just straight up laughs at her. Hell, even Markus is wearing a smirk as well as Didyme? Gaping at the woman, Markus as well as her friends can't hold it in anymore and start to laugh.

Crossing her arms, Kyra lets herself fall back onto the ground with a pout; a pout that only deepens when a grinning Demetri stand himself above her with a hand outstretched to help her up.

"Don't laugh at me."
Kyra complains as she lets him pull her up and into his chest, burying her face in the crook of his neck in embarrassment.

"Now don't get shy on us."
Caius grins teasingly.

"That could have happened to everyone."
he continues.

"Everyone without a brain."
Jane mumbles under her breath in addition.

Kyra exclaims.

"Oh come on, Kyra. We are just teasing. I'm sure everyone would have been naïve enough to trust Caius to be nice for once."
Didyme smiles at her.

"Can we just go on?"
the ginger grunts out.

"We should. We will never be on time, if Kyra decides to run against something again."
Aro nods at them, completely serious.

"Are you alright?"
Demetri asks Kyra as the others have started to run again.

Her has his arm around her shoulder, keeping her from running as well so the two of them can walk slowly and in peace for a while.

"I am."
she nods, her hand once again reaching up to her already healed forehead.

Sighing, she throws her arm around Demetri's waist and lays her head against his shoulder; a smile overcoming her as he leans down to press a gentle kiss to her hairline.

"So, what's Ai Pioppi Playground?"
Kyra questions him.

"A playground."
Demetri states with a raised brow, smiling innocently as Kyra stares up at him through squeezed eyes.

"You'll love it. Caius and Markus... probably not so much."
he offers her; smiling as her nose scrunches up slightly as her eyes squeeze shut even more.

Booping her nose, his smiles widen as it scrunches up even more before she lets her muscles relax.

"Was that necessary?"
she asks and goes up to scratch her nose. She hates nose boops, it makes her nose tingle.

"Yes. Yes it was, mia cara."
Demetri nods.

"Wanna bet who reaches the others first?"
Kyra smirks as she pulls away from him.

"What does the winner get?"
Demetri questions intrigued.

"If I win..."
Kyra starts but stops as she doesn't have any idea.

"If I win, you have to show me your intro as a stripper."
Demetri speaks up making her roll her eyes. She should have never introduced him to TikTok.

"And if I win, I get to boss you around for a week."
the ginger finally means.

he agrees, the two of them shaking hands before standing next to each other.

"On three."
Demetri means.

she starts to count.

he continues.

they end together, just to start running off with each other, the race starting in an even pace.

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