Chapter 31

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The next week comes and goes and before Isabella knows it, it is her last day in Forks. For now, as she believes.

"Are you sure?"
Charlie asks his daughter; the uncertainty clear on his tongue.

She made up a lie for him saying that Edward is visiting some distant family and invited her to come. Charlie was totally against it but eventually agreed half-heartedly as Esme and Carlisle promised to take care of her.

Esme feels so bad about it and yet there is not really anything she could do to save Bella anymore. But still, lying – especially about something like this – goes against what she believes in. It goes against her moral. She doesn't want Charlie to feel the same pain she has been forced t endure ever since... then. Esme doesn't want Charlie to loose his daughter; he doesn't deserve this.

"I am."
Isabella nods simply in reply; not a single sign of doubt or regret hanging in the air as she smiles happily at her father.

To be honest, it is probably the only honest smile she has given him; and it is about going away; it is about leaving him behind – alone.

"Take care of yourself, princess."
he nods and pulls her into a tight hug; a hug she returns with a role of her eyes as she tries to keep as much distance between them as possible.

"I will."
she nods.

Meanwhile Kyra is watching with a roll of his eyes as Aro instructs the guard to get the castle ready. Because while he would never admit it, he is quite anxious for his dear friend's arrival. Carlisle is one of the only persons, who's opinion matters the master; masters, actually.

Speaking off, Caius is watching him with a roll of his eyes while Athenodora sits on his lap; her head laying against his shoulder as her eyes are closed in content. It's rare for him to actually show some affection; or rather let her show some affection seeing as he simply sits there with his hand laying on her back – keeping her from falling.

And Marcus? Marcus is spending his time with Didyme; currently, they are reading through some old books to find out whether has been someone like Kyra; or rather a gift like Kyra's. But until now, they haven't found a single thing. Not a mention or even a single word about someone who came back from the death.

To be honest, the masters are slowly starting to get worried; they noticed how both Didyme and Kyra seem to be having trouble staying away from each other for a long time period. For example when Kyra was gone with Jane and the rest to take a look at the problem in Seattle; Didyme was getting quieter and... more nervous with every day and Kyra got... well, sensitive and irritable with every passing day.
And even now, they would get edgy when they don't know where the other is. It confuses them; it worries them to death.

Letting out a sigh, Kyra walks out of Demetri's arms to lay a comforting hand on Aro's shoulder; the old vampire looking over to her in slight confusion. He looks like a lost puppy; it's actually quite adorable.

she tells him gently before turning to the guards to tell them to get to work; they'll know what to do.

"They will do it wrong."
Aro panics bust she grabs his arm completely before he can go after them.

"They won't. But Sulpicia is worried that the garden will look a mess."
she disagrees as she tries to get him to get out.

His mate should be there and she should be able to calm him down; because no matter what, he is still only... human; or at least he was.

"Does it? Fe..."
Aro goes to tell Felix to go look as the ginger shakes her head softly at him.

"You remember the last time you sent Felix to the garden? Sulpicia will behead you when she finds her tulips trampled to death again."
Kyra chuckles; Aro's eyes widening at the memory.

Though, his expression quickly changes as he goes to take her hand off his arm; his eyes now staring at her with an unreadable expression.

"You are trying to get rid of me."
he states; his voice lacking any kind of emotions.

"I'm trying to help you."
she disagrees.

"And now go."
Kyra adds and watches with a sigh as he looks at her for a few moments later before making his way to speed towards his mate.

"You couldn't have done that earlier?"
Caius grumbles out.

"You are being mean again."
Athenodora tells her husband, who is obviously unbothered by it.

"I never stopped."
he replies simply.

"We would have never noticed."
Kyra sasses at him; simply smirking at him as he shoots her a look.

"Watch your tongue."
Caius warns her; his eyes squeezing together while doing so.

"You know, if you wanted to watch my tongue, you could have just said so."
she provokes even further as she sticks it out in his direction leading to his expression darkening to hell.

"Do not oversell it, Κούκλα."
he growls out.

"I would never."
Kyra smiles innocently before walking back to Demetri; kissing him softly before cuddling into his chest.

Said man wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her even closer while kissing the top of her head tenderly.

"You okay?"
he whispers in her ear so quiet it's hard for even Felix to understand; despite standing right next to them.

Not bothering to look up to him and sort of not trusting herself to lock his eyes, she simply nods against his chest. He either doesn't see right through her eyes or he just leaves it be for now.
The truth is, Kyra is not fine. Well, not really.

She is troubled about Isabella; on one hand, the brunette has never shown a trace of kindness or even acceptance towards the ginger but on the other hand, there is Charlie. The man has done nothing that didn't favour Kyra in any way. He took her in, bought food for her to eat, payed her clothes and even her school; she doesn't want to repay him by letting his daughter die. This is just wrong.

Charlie does not deserve this; Charlie deserves so much more than that.

Κούκλα = Doll

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