Chapter 24

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Kyra stirs in her sleep like state as her eyes begin to flutter behind her lids. Her mouth opens to take in a few unsteady, unneeded breaths before she suddenly shoots up in her bed; Demetri's hands slipping off her waist as she does so.

Looking around with a heavy pant upon her chest, her eyes pool with tears she'll never be able to let lose again. Meeting Demetri's red orbs, she doesn't hesitate to throw herself into his strong arms, desperately seeking some comfort.

The guard member doesn't say a thing for a few moments as he simply strokes her hair while his other hand pulls her as close to him as possible; his lips kissing the top of her head every once a while.

"It's okay, mia cara. I'm here. It's okay."
he finally breaks the silence, his lips meeting her forehead gently as she pulls away just a bit; her head falling down to look at her hands that are now laying in her lap.

"What happened?"
she questions, her voice sounding like she's at the edge of breaking. Though, a slight dryness can be heard in I – she's hungry.

"I don't know."
Demetri replies honestly, his thumb laying itself on her chin to make her look up at him. Her black and teary eyes staring in his like she's searching for comfort; searching for some kind of anchor to save her from drowning.

"It's going to be okay."
he repeats; this time more urgently.

"I know."
she nods with a small smile tugging on her lips.

"I know."
Kyra repeats as if to convince herself.

"You need to feed."
Demetri changes the subject as he gets up to get her the blood bags.

she mumbles as she sips at them. She's in control but it's more a matter of her distraction than actual control.

"How are you feeling?"
he asks her in a quite voice; his hand going to push a strand of hair behind her ear as he sits down in front of her.

Her legs now crossed, she just shrugs in response; the hands still holding the half empty blood bag falling into her lap. She's not hungry. For the first time in her life she's not hungry.

Kyra replies her head falling against his shoulder once again.

Leaning down to kiss her head softly, he wraps his arms around her, his fingers playing with the tips of her hair as his other hand goes to take one of hers, intertwining his fingers with hers.

Didyme smiles a little desperate as Marcus refuses to let her go. She's been awake for a few hours now and after two hours of shock and surprise combined with something else.

Didyme has to get used to the feeling of being alive, well undead, again and Marcus is totally overwhelmed about her sudden appearance.

"Marcus, Sweetheart."
she tries again.

She's currently sitting against his chest with his head buried in the side of her neck and his arm pulling her as close to him as physical possible.

"We need to look after Kyra."
Didyme means but he simply shakes his head into her neck.

Sighing, she turns her head in his direction, her fingers forcing his chin up gently so she can look into his eyes.

"She needs to know what she just did."
she tries to argue.

"What did she do?"
Marcus asks; his voice rocky as it stands at the edge between breaking and drying out.

"As she brought me back, she needed an anchor to keep me here. She chose herself."
Didyme tells him.

"What does that mean?"
he questions with a slight frown.

"I'm not sure."
she replies honestly.

Burying his face back into her shoulder, he kisses it softly before slowly losing his grip around her.

"Let me come."
he asks more so than states.

"I ask for it."
Didyme smiles up to him; her grin widening as he leans down to kiss her forehead tenderly.

Holding his arm out for her to take, Marcus lays a hand on top of hers as soon as she takes it and leads her out the room and towards Kyra's.

Demetri whispers sweet nothings in his Mate's ear as there's a knock at his door. Kyra flinches slightly but mutters a "come in" nonetheless. Her eyes turn to the door; her posture straightening at the sight of her father figure and his Mate, who looks at Demetri and Kyra with warm eyes.

It's imply impossible to not feel calm in Didyme's presence. She just gives off those warm and home-ish atmosphere and the gentle smile adorning her face seems to be one of the most honest ones they've ever see. But that's not all; her shining red eyes seem to have absorbed the danger they usually hold and replaced them with a motherly clint shining through them.

"May we enter?"
Didyme questions to which the newborn nods while throwing the rest of the blood in the trashcan next to her bed.

Demetri uses the time to sit up straight as well before pulling Kyra back into him as soon as possible. Her back leaning against his chest as his leans against the headboard. His hands hold those of his Mate as his thumbs draw pattern yet again.

Meanwhile Marcus takes a seat on the chair, his eyes only leaving Didyme once to check up on Kyra. Didyme sits down in front of Kyra, the lips tugging on her smile for a moment before she shares a glance with her own Mate, who nods at her to start.

Didyme means; her voice full of warmth and tenderness it gives the redhead a feeling she's never heard before.

Kind of like the first time she met Marcus; she didn't know what it was but she knew she could trust him with her life.
The first time she felt his arms wrap around her was also the first time she ever felt a parental comfort. The first time she heard him read her a goodnight story, was also the first time she felt really welcomed. He was the first one, besides Demetri, who made her feel like she isn't a burden; the first one, who made her feel loved.

Kyra replies awkwardly; having absolutely no idea how to respond to that.

"How are you feeling?"
the king's Mate asks concerned.

As if she had a reason to be concerned; she is the one, who came back from the dead.

"I'm doing fine. How about you?"
she replies.

"Do not worry about me, child."
Didyme smiles softly.

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