Chapter 2

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a scratchy voice means holding a hand out. The black-haired master touches it for a minute as a confused expression takes over his face. Marcus, the owner of the scratchy voice, saw their bonds strengthening, their bond to a certain ginger-haired girl.

"What's going on?"
Caius questions.

"It seems like our little princess finally came home."
Aro exclaims making most of the guards look at him. Kyra is home? After all this time?

Meanwhile Kyra walks with the rest of them, feeling excitement building up in her. She can't believe she is back again. Back to the place, to the people she loves and misses so dearly. Demetri, who can feel her happiness due to her change of thinking can't help but smile at her. It feels so good having her back with him.

"My clothes suit you."
he whispers in her ear making her bite her lip to stop the grin, that is forming on her face. The vampire smirks to himself, loving the reaction he has on her as they arrive at the, way too big and heavy, doors to the throne room.

The rest of the Volturi wait impatient until they can smell the sweet scent of their old friend and the...kind of disgusting scent... of another human. Well, her blood smells okay, but the rest just stinks of dirt, as if she hasn't showered in years. As the doors opens, all eyes fall onto the ginger irritating Edward, who suddenly hears some random old music tunes playing in the heads of the guard. It's an old children's song, it's older than any of his siblings. Maybe as old as Carlisle.

A small grin flatters itself on Kyra's face as she pulls away from Demetri and starts walking over to the kings. Well, to Marcus, she just walks by Aro, so her hand touches his, letting him in her mind before she goes straight to her father-figure, who stands in front of his throne to pull her into a soft hug, pressing a kiss to her hairline.

Demetri, who watches the interaction bites back a growl and takes his position in the room to protect the masters, and his mate, if anything were about to happen.

Meanwhile Bella watches the interactions with hate. She is supposed to be in this world, not Kyra. Kyra doesn't even fit here; she'd make an awful immortal. But Isabella, Isabella was born to be a vampire; becoming immortal is her destiny.

Kyra smirks to herself turning in Marcus arms towards Caius, who holds up his angry façade.

"Well, hello there, Blondie."
she smirks making the blonde king growl, though every member of the Volturi could tell it wasn't a real growl, it was the start of their playful little game. And if they're really going to play this game, all hell will break out.

While Aro discussed some things with Isabella and the Cullens and the guard makes sure they don't do anything stupid, Kyra sits down on Marcus lab, so her legs swing over the armrest of his throne while her head leans on the masters right shoulder. His hand his stroking trough her ginger waves while the other one is making sure she doesn't fall down.

"She knows about your existence. How come she is still alive?"
Isabella suddenly exclaims feeling proud to have a point with this.

"Kyra will be changed. But since we met her during her childhood, we wanted her to live before she dies."
Aro states not impressed at all.

"I will be changed."
Bella replies not noticing Edwards pained expression. He doesn't want to change her, that was never his intention and it will probably never be.

Aro, knowing that, just raises a brow before holding one of his hands out.

"I'm afraid, I'd need proof."
he comments.

"Edward, show him."
Isabella demands, but he can't. It wouldn't be honest.

"Bella will be one of us."
Alice intervenes in the conversation stepping forward while pulling her glove off. The guard wanna step in but are stopped by Aro, who is determined to look into the seers mind.

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