Chapter 4

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Demetri greets the blond king confused and bows slightly before speeding back to his bed, where Kyra is still laying sound asleep.

Caius nods stepping into the room, so he can sit down on the, way too bright and way too soft, chair.

"I got an issue I want to discuss with you."
Caius comes straight to the point.

Demetri, who is cuddled up against his Mate once again, looks at his master with questioning eyes but decides to keep quiet and just nod for him to go on.

"I'd like to take Kyra to the dungeons."
the blonde Master informs Demetri, who can't help the dangerous growl, that escapes his lips.

he rumbles pulling Kyra even more against him.

Caius, biting back his own growl at the disrespect coming from his Guard, takes a deep unneeded breath to calm himself. He can understand Demetri, hell his own wife is locked up in a tower, away from harm and men's eyes and here Demetri is; kind of sharing his Mate with the whole caste. But nonetheless, Caius is his superior, he should show the amount of respect, he usually does.

Kyra, awaken from the sudden talking and the extra pressure on her side, opens her eyes but closes them as soon as she notices the light. It's bright, too bright. The Ginger haired human blinks a few times not noticing the two pairs of crimson eyes watching her carefully. One with love and adoration in his eyes. And the other pair with some kind of...anticipation.

"Sleep well, my love?"
Demetri asks his Mate, who just hums sleepily before yawning and turning on her stomach, so she can bury her face in the pillow. Well, Kyra most definitely is not a morning person.

Caius makes himself known.

"Go away."
said girl mumbles, not bothering to see who the voice belongs to.

"Do you remember what I promised you before you went to America?"
Caius ignores her and asks away. Demetri, getting curious as well, widens his eyes, as he notices the look of victory in his Master's eyes.

Kyra, still utterly tired and annoyed with the fact that she is awake, turns around and sits up, to look Caius in the eyes. Once knowing exactly what he meant, her anger seems to wash away and rather gets replaced with a look of excitement.

"Are you serious?"
she asks with wide eyes, though due to another reason than Demetri, who doesn't know what to do to stop this.

"Marcus already agreed. You'd just need to change Demetri's mind."
Caius smirks, knowing Demetri can't say no to her. Well, not for long.

Firstly, because of the fact that Mates have the desire to make their other half as happy as emotionally possible. And secondly, because Kyra has the ability to ignore someone as long as needed to get what she wants. Well, she ignores Demetri and Marcus. Not to hurt them, but to get them to understand how serious she is with whatever they are fighting over. If she would fight with Caius, she'd just annoy the freak out of him, until he agrees to get her to shut up. And when she is discussing something with Aro, she shows her creativity with word and her smart choice of saying to get him to see her point.

Kyra begs Demetri with her best puppy dog eyes; her bottom lips stucked out in a not so adorable pout, and yet it seems to be the most beautiful one he has ever seen.

Gods, he surely is whipped.

The sandy haired boy, not able to look in her eyes without cracking, makes sure to glare daggers at Caius, who is watching the whole situation in amusement. Well, that is until Kyra's smartphone vibrates and catches her attention. Aro – Video.

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