Chapter 10

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Hey guys;
in this chapter will be mentions of abuse and alcoholism so, if you are triggered easily please be careful.
Paul runs like the devil is chasing him. He doesn't even know why he is in such a hurry; it's just a bad feeling, he guesses. But the feeling is right, as soon as he comes in earshot of Veronica's house, her screams consume him. They're horrible and filled with so much pain; it brakes his heart. Speeding up even more, he nearly runs into the door, if it wasn't for his wolf senses to kick in and slow him down.

The scene is terrible, gruesome and just... heart-shattering.

Veronica is laying on the floor; her father kicking her over and over again. At the wall you can see a shattered bottle of beer, the smell still hanging thick in the air. Veronica is groaning with every punch and it's clear, that this has gone on for a while now.

"You worthless, little brat."
her father spat out, quite literally.

Paul sees red, everything he sees is red. He storms over to the drunk man and pushes him aggressively against the wall, his hand firmly around the man's throat. An animalistic growl leaves his mouth and he is just an inch away from ripping him apart; he would love to do it. But heavy breathing stops him. Paul's face whips around to look at Veronica, who is fighting to stay awake. Letting go of her barely breathing father, he rushes over to her caressing her bruised cheek softly.

"Hey, dork."
Veronica whispers weakly as she catches sight of him.

"Hey, little flower."
Paul replies warmly taking his phone out of his pocket glancing at her father, who is laying on the ground barely conscious.

"I'm gonna get you help, okay?"
he asks Veronica whose eyes widen.

she disagrees.

"I'm not going to let him take you to the hospital. But... please let me get you help."
Paul nearly begs.

Veronica was his best friend, his sister; he can't just let her... he can't lose her.

she agrees making him breathe a sigh of relief before dialling a number he never thought, that he would have to use.

the phone gets picked up.

"You need to come as quick as possible."
Paul cuts him off before telling him the address and hanging up.

"It's going to be okay, little flower."
he turns back to Veronica, who smiles unbelieving.

"Thank you, Paul. For everything."
she mumbles.

Veronica just feels the need to tell him that. She knows, that she's not going to die but it certainly feels like it.

he smiles at her as Carlisle arrives.

he nods at the wolf, who fights his instinct as the vampire kneels beside the beaten up girl.

"I'll need your help."
Carlisle means after checking her over for just a second.

"I assume you don't want her to go to the hospital."
he adds with a glance at Paul, who shakes his head no.

"We need to get her to my house."
Cullen states earning a disapproving growl from Paul.

"I need my medical supplies. She got a few cuts, that look like they are inflamed. I need to clean them and..."
Carlisle tries to explain.

"Okay. Okay. What do I need to do?"
Paul cuts him off.

"I need you to help me pick her up. Stabilise her neck like this."
Cullen means and takes the girl in his arms.

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