Chapter 8

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Jacob's eyes widen as the beautiful strangers eyes fall onto him. Seems like he was to caught up to notice how she started to walk over to him.

"Hey, little bug."
her sweet voice means quietly as if to make sure she doesn't scare him.

It surprises him how she's not afraid of wolfs, gigantic ones on that, but it doesn't matter right now. His eyes follow her hand as she raises his carefully, holding it our for him to sniff, like you would with a dog. Stepping a bit closer to her, he bows his head down and nearly starts to purr as she lays the hand on his fur, petting him softly.

As he notices how uncomfortable she's standing, he lets himself fall to the floor, smiling in his head as she sits down next to him, leaning her back against a tree.

They sit like this for a few minutes, the girl petting his head softly as he captures the feeling of her touch while looking out for any possible danger. With the redhead still out there, he doesn't want to take any risk; especially not with her.

"I got to go home, little bug."
the girl mumbles quietly much to Jacob's dismay, which he shows her by laying his head stubbornly on her lab not wanting to le her go just yet.

"My father will worry, if I don't come home."
she tells him, though something about her statement seems off.

With a sound, that seems to be a huff, Jacob gets up and watches closely as the brown eyed beauty follows his lead.

"Good bye, little bug."
she is about to walk away as she notices the wolf walking slightly behind her making her chuckle a bit.

"You really don't want me to go, do you?"
the girl asks jokingly but stops as Jacob shakes his head.

she nods and pets strokes him a few times before starting to walk again, glancing towards the massive wolf now and then.

They walk a few meters through the forest until they are able to see the first houses.

"You shouldn't get closer to Forks, little bug."
the girl tells the wolf with worry sounding in her voice.

"I don't want the people hunting you down."
she adds, which makes Jacob's heart melt. She worries about him; and she doesn't even know him.

"Good bye, little bug."
she says goodbye once again; this time with a gentle kiss to his snout making Jacob want to jump with joy.

The wolf walks a few steps back before watching as his imprint walks towards one of the houses, turning around one last time before entering a house through, what seems to be a back door.

Not realising, he stepped over the border, he growls as he smells one of the Cullens. Carlisle to be exact.

the vampire nods.

"I believe my family has something to discuss with the wolfs. I was wondering, if you could arrange a meeting at the border?"
Carlisle asks respectfully.

'Bring him here'
he hears Sam through his mind link and looks at the vampire for a second before nodding at him to follow him.

"Thank you."
Carlisle means and speeds after Jacob, who has to force himself to move. He doesn't want to leave his imprint.

Jacob leads the leach to Sam's house, where the pack awaits them already; one of them throwing at Jacob, who changes behind a tree.

Sam greets the Cullen with a nod.

Carlisle mirrors his actions.

"Why don't we go inside?"
Emily offers making Paul growl. Bad enough, that he is on their territory but in their homes? No, thank you.

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