Chapter 23

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The wolf pack walks forward in a triangle shape; Sam being at the front as they stop on top of the low hill. Bella is standing with Alice, her arms crossed in front of her chest as her eyes search for Jacob; a small smirking overcoming her at the sight of him. Though, it quickly disappears as he simply ignores her; not even glancing in her direction.

"Thank you for coming."
Carlisle nods with his usual warm smile in place.

"They don't trust us enough to come in their human forms."
Edward informs his father figure.

"That's okay. Edward, could you interpret?"
the coven leader directs the last part towards the mind reader, who nods in reply.

Eighteen hours. It's been eighteen hours since Kyra or Didyme moved and to say the Mates and brothers are freaking out would be an understatement.

It was even more worrying as the latter's body refused to ingest the blood Caius brought for her. Marcus has shut the world around him down completely; the fear of losing his Mate yet again after not really having her back consuming him whole.

Aro is impatiently sitting on a chair next to Marcus's bed, seeing as Didyme has been brought there. His hand is holding on to her desperate to get a little glimpse of her thinking, a glimpse of anything that could tell him she's actually alive and not just the soulless body she seems to be.

Demetri is holding his Mate close to his chest while whispering the story of beauty and the beast into her ear; the worry and panic clearly to be heard.

Beauty and the beast; it was her favourite story as a child. She could read it for hours none stop admiring the way Belle fell for the beast even though he was well... a beast. As she grew older she realised it resembled the story of herself; a simple girl falling in love with a monster – not that she ever saw Demetri as such.

Meanwhile Caius is overcharged. He had to go through two trials without his brothers and with distracted and worried guards while having to keep his own emotions at bay. It got so bad he actually had to fetch Athenodora, the woman now sojourning by his side.

"And Beauty doesn't want to teach him how to be a prince."
Demetri ends the story for what feels like the millionths time. His eyes trained on his Mate, who starts to stir as if trying to force herself to wake up after a gruesome nightmare.

"She wants him to teach her how to be a monster."
his voice gets quitter with every word he speaks until it sound like it's at the edge of breaking.

"Please wake up."
he mumbles with a kiss to her head.

Aro's dull eyes snap from staring at the wall ahead of him to staring at his still unconscious sister. She's thinking. About nothing at all and yet it seems to be everything at the moment.

"She's here."
the words leave his mouth making Marcus look at him for a second; his mind playing out the worst of the worst scenarios that always end the same. He won't be able to survive losing her a second time.

"She's here."
Aro repeats another time trying to assure himself that his sister is alive. Will he finally be able to see her again? Will his brother be happy again? After all this time?

The two of them fall into silence once again; the only thing being heard is the faint sound of nature shining through the open window.

One minute, two, three, four, ten, twenty minutes until Didyme shoots up in bed; her lungs filling with a heavy breath as her eyes snap open, their bright red colour reflecting the light for a second before turning a slightly duller hue.

Marcus sits next to her immediately; his feet standing solid on the ground as his body is turned in her direction. His hand resting on her cheek as he mumbles incomprehensible things to himself, too low and muzzy to actually understand.

Aro comes up to them as well, his hand laying itself on her hand; though, she doesn't seem to notice them all that much. Her eyes are fixed at the wall in front of her, like she's trapped in her own mind.

"αδελφή."                                                           ( sister )
Aro tries softly; an unneeded relieved breath leaving his lips as her head snaps in his direction.

"αδελφός."                                                      ( brother )
she whispers unbelieving as her eyes fall down to their hands. Turning her own, she lets his fingers slip between hers before pressuring them lightly, a smile creeping onto her face as soon as she does so.

Marcus means after the brothers watched her for a minute. Their own smiles displaced on their lips.

she replies equally as quiet as before; her head leaning into his touch as he goes to caress her cheek.

"I'll leave you two."
Aro comments gently before leaving the room; making his way to Kyra's room going to see whether she's alright or not.

He feels kind of bad for not checking in on her sooner but his sister's appearance just threw him off guard.

Knocking at her door, he enters the room right after; not bothering to wait for Demetri to invite him in. it's not like it' his room or something.

Demetri looks up for a second, his eyes dropping down to his Mate as soon as he recognises his master.

Caius left a few minutes ago to get some Dinner promising to bring him a human upstairs. Demetri despises blood bag, especially compared to fresh blood. It's comparable to human food. Most people would chose freshly cooked food over frozen food.

"May I?"
Aro asks as he points to Kyra's hands; both of them intervened with his. Her right and his left one laying on her stomach and his right with her right one laying upon them; her back still resting against his chest.

Letting go of it, he nods for him to go on; his eyes not leaving her, even for a second.

Aro lets his fingers rest over her; his eyes taking on a short pained gleam at whatever he's seeing. Letting her hand go, he watches thoughtful as Demetri takes it back into his own hand; the guard's thumb drawing his very own picture on her skin.

"You should talk to her again. It calms her down."
Aro advises, leaving the room only a second later to get back to his sister and brother.

Demetri doesn't think twice about it as he goes to tell her the story of Beauty and the Beast once again. But instead of repeating it over and over again, he sneaks Annabel Lee into it every once a story. The only time he actually stops is when Felix enters the room with a unconscious woman lying in his arms for Demetri to feed on while he takes over the role as a protector for merely a minute before the Mate is laying next to her once again.

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