Chapter 14

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Hey guys, I am extremely sorry for the late Update but I was gone for a week and wasn't able to upload anything. 

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter


Kyra grins excited as she skips alongside Caius and Jane. Demetri wanted to come as well but Aro and Kyra somehow managed to... convince him to stay at the throne room.

The blonde king stops in front of the entrance to the dungeons and turns to Kyra before nodding for Jane to walk along; he doesn't need her to see his... caring side. Well, as caring as he can be.

"Okay, listen. In there are a lot of hungry vampires and I'd bet my life there'll be more than one trying to get to you."
he tells her to which she just nods. They had this conversation before.

"I need you to stay at either my or Jane's side the whole time."
Caius continues.

"And I need you to keep tense. Don't allow yourself to relax because once you do, they'll know and they'll be using it to their advantage."
he ends.

"I will."
Kyra nods in reply before they enter the dungeons. The ginger flinches a bit as she hears a few growls coming from the distance before yells of pain sound through the castle.

Keeping her promise, the ginger stays with Caius until they reach their destination; a young vampire that abducted women to rape and beat them before he drowned them.

His eyes scan over an unbothered Jane, who joined them a mere moment ago.

"Go on."
Caius means and Jane speeds over to the vampire tying him up faster than Kyra could blink.

the kind orders holding her own out for Kyra, who lays hers in his; her finger trembling a little while doing so. Caius uses one of his nails to scratch her thumb letting a drop of blood dripping to the floor. Hungry growls are echoing through the floor and the vampire in front of them, whose name is Brandon, tries desperate to free himself; ripping one arm off during the process. Yelling in pain, he stops moving while pressing his teeth together. Caius doesn't stop, though, he lets another drop of blood drip on his pointing finger before walking in front of him; leaving Kyra with Jane.

The king smirks to himself as he plays with the drop of blood before wiping it above Brandon's, just a millimetre under his nose; to high for him to reach with his tongue. Kyra watches with a raised brow as Brandon tries to blow as much air out of his nose wanting the blood to drip on his lips; unsuccessful.

Jane watches Caius until he finally nods for her to go before using her power on him. One minute, two minutes, three, four, five... until he finally looks like he's ready to break. Caius smirks as he points for Kyra to join him.

"I want you to rip his arm off; like this."
Caius means while showing her how to do it with his own arm just without ripping it off, of course.

Kyra's legs shake as she walks next to the vampire flinching away as he snaps at her; teeth ready to bite her. Jane speeds over to him and holds him down as Kyra begins to rip his arm off. It takes her a while – a few painful minutes for Brandon – before she finally manages to rip it off; throwing it away disgusted as she holds it in her hands.

Jane smirks at that but decides not to comment; they have better things to do.

The three of them stay in the dungeons for another hour; Caius and Jane explaining Kyra the basics of a vampires weaknesses and showing her how to use it for her advantage – even as a human.

"Are we finished?"
Kyra asks tiredly. She swears tearing off vampire's limbs is worse than any other sports she ever tried. It's like trying to break a massive stone in pieces.

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