Chapter 15

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The next week passes in a blur; Kyra spends time with her father while getting involved with the Volturi's business more and more every day. Veronica moves to Paul after he insists and gets to know Jacob a little more; the process is dragging because of her lack of trust but they forge ahead, eventually. And the Cullens, they try to keep Bella happy while distancing themselves for her; something that is kind of hard when you consider that she shows up at their house every freaking day and that she hangs around them in school second over second. There were a few hours she would try to speak to Jacob but the boy refuses to say a word to her.

"Have you thought about when you want to be turned?"
Demetri asks her as they lay in his bed this evening.

she means. It won't do any good, if she stays human for two years longer. For one, she'd need protection 24/7 and for another, she feels awful to get the younger vampires through hell whenever she's around. They deserve to adjust to their bloodlust without a walking blood-bag around them all the time.

"That's in a week."
he states as his hand strokes over her hair.

"I know. But I think I'm ready; or as ready as I'll ever be."
she nods.

Kyra doesn't believe one could ever be ready for the pain that comes with the transition or with the bloodlust that follows; but right now, she feels like her worries have been eased more than they have been ever before. And she knows the people she loves will be by her side. Her father, her friends and... Demetri.

Demetri presses a soft kiss to her head before leaning his own against hers; letting her fall asleep against his shoulder.

Isabella frowns as she sits in her truck this morning. It's a sunny day and the Cullen's won't be at school today. She wanted to ditch with them, wanted to make sure they won't leave her ever again but they wouldn't let her; stating that they've graduated more than enough times before but she'll do it for the first time this year.

"Hey, Arizona. You're going to stay there forever?"
Tyler calls for her; his arm wrapped around Lauren, his girlfriend's, shoulder as he leans against her.

Bella sighs but gets out nonetheless. This is going to be a long day. Jessica starts to gossip about something as soon as Isabella joins the little group but the Swan girl can't help but shut them out. Her thoughts are with the Cullens, she has to make them turn her sooner; she can't wait another six weeks to finally be able to live a long life of beauty and youth. She can't wait to life a whole life with Edward by her side; they'll be the most beautiful couple in the universe, even more beautiful than Rosalie and Emmet. They'll be the story parents tell their children to make them believe in love.

Paul has an arm wrapped around Veronica as he leads her to Sam's house. She's still a little vary on her feet and Paul, the overprotective best friend he is, took it upon himself to help her out.

"You do realise that I'm able to walk alone, do you?"
she asks him as they're just a few metres away; right in earshot for the wolves.

"And what if you fall? You could trip over your own feet and fall before I have the chance to catch you and then you'll be hurting again. Or you'll slip on the muddy floor and break you back."
he replies.

"Hey, last time I checked you are the clumsy one. or you were until you got all muscly and big."
Veronica tells him remembering all the times he would trip over the stupidest things. Paul slaps his hand softly over her mouth stopping her from saying anything else. He can't risk the pack finding out about his most embarrassing moments. They'll never let him life that down.

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