Chapter 1

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Kyra doesn't know how she ended up in a stolen Ferrari, or how she ended up in Italy at all. She remembers Alice standing in Charlie's living room, after Bella's suicide mission, and dragging her along. Kyra doesn't know why she had to come, but she is kinda glad she's here. 

Her fragile figure is hidden in one of Demetri's Sweatshirts and one of his Sweatpants he sent to her last week.
The Volturi told her that it's hard for a vampire to be separated from ones Mate and that it settles the beast within to know that she at least smells like him. It's some kind of claim they have over the mate this way. He also told her that most vampires like to see their mate in their clothes or other oversized things. Something about them loving seeing their Mate so innocent and fragile, it makes their beast purr in pleasure. Mostly because they just really like to protect their significant other in general and partly because it is once again a way to claim them.
Kyra's eyes fall onto her bracelet and a small smile makes its way on her face. It was another thing Demetri has given to her, he himself having one as well. He said it is something for her to remember him when she misses him or feels lonely. Because of the very same reason she got a cute necklace from Marcus; something to remember them, her family.
As she got the necklace she nearly cried; Marcus told her he had chosen a sun due to the fact, that she was the sunshine in the darkness he has felt way to long. She was the sun, saving the Volturi in her own, beautiful way.

A pang of guilt shoots through the ginger haired girl as she thinks about the time, she left him alone, she left them alone, but she quickly shakes it off, thinking about the upcoming meeting with them.

Kyra looks over to her cousin, Bella, who doesn't seem to be able to sit still for longer than the split of a second. Her fingers are trembling, her legs are whipping up and down, and she occasionally tugs her hair frustrated. To be honest, Kyra thinks Isabella is overreacting. First, she is human, so she doesn't feel the bond, much like herself. Second, they're not Mates, Bella is his blood singer.

Aro explained the difference to her as she told him about their first meeting.
He said that true Mates are meant to protect and love each other. The Mate will always come first and the thought of hurting their Mate will tear a vampire apart, even more doing so. They complete each other in every way possible. 
Meanwhile a Blood-Singer, is completely different. The vampire is drawn to the blood of the particular human, which leads to the death of said human in most cases.
La tua cantante, Aro called the human. He told Kyra that the vampire's thoughts should be captured by the smell of her blood, which can be confused with love due to the fact, that the vampire feels the need to protect the BLOOD of all cost. 

The blood, not the human.

And added to that, Kyra doesn't believe, that Bella truly loves Edward and even if she did, it wouldn't be healthy. In Kyra's eyes Isabella is obsessed with him and the thought about becoming a vampire, while Edward just wants someone he can love, someone who loves him as much as he loves her. And Kyra did not believe for a second, that Bella could ever be that person. She is too needy, too whiny for him.

Kyra's trail of thoughts gets interrupted as Alice grabs her arm to pull her towards the castle in quite a tense and harsh manner. She has been drifted off longer than she thought she had, obviously. But then again, Kyra doesn't really care. The gingers green eyes are drained fixed on the familiar castle in front of her as the Pixie opens the door, pulling Kyra in behind her, earning a deep growl from the guards already standing in the hallway. Kyra's eyes shoot towards the men in black cloaks. Red eyes lock with hers and she can't help but smile at Demetri, ignoring Felix for now. The dark blonde vampire speeds over to her and lays a hand on her cheek as though he has to assure himself, she is really here. With him. But as soon as he is sure, Demetri pulls her into his arms and out of Alice's grip, making sure not to crush or hurt her in any way.

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