Chapter 25

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"Gifts are believed to exist when we're humans but to manifest themselves when turned into vampires."
Didyme begins softly.

"I believe your gift did, too. You were able to unbeknownst build some kind of bridge to the other side, which allowed you to see and halfway communicate with me."
she continues.

"Why just you?"
Kyra questions confused.

"I'm not sure. I think hearing stories about me and maybe see some pictures, you unconsciously formed some kind of relationship with me."
Didyme replies.

Kyra nods before going back to listening; her mind trying to process whatever the hell she's hearing.

"When you turned you also died, which helped your gift manifest."
the black-haired woman means.

"You were now able to actually interact with the death; like you did with me before you brought me back."
she adds.

"Yeah. How did I do that?"
Kyra questions as she tried to concentrate on the smoothing feeling shooting through her arm as Demetri lets his fingers draw patterns on it rather than the unsettling feeling laying on her chest.

"I don't know."
Didyme admits after Marcus pulled her to him; his hands clinging to her Shirt as if he's afraid she'd disappear any second.

"But I know that my life is bound to yours, somehow."
she continues.

"I don't know how or why or if there's anything we can do about it."
the older woman looks down for a second.

Three days. It's only three days until the Battle and the pack, as well as the Cullens, are already nervous.

Bella is getting more suspicious of them by the second; not only are Edward and Jacob keeping their distance but Alice is starting to as well. Whenever she's over, the pixie like girl would stick to her husband's side not daring to look into Isabella's eyes – afraid she might change her mind and agree with her best friend. Or ex best friend?

Jacob is still spending every free second of the day with his imprint, who recently started attending school again; keeping close to either Paul, Jacob or Kim at any time.

And Edward is distancing himself from Isabella even more; while he'd still have his arm wrapped around her, he refuses to kiss her. While she still comes over during the day, he doesn't climb through her window any longer.

Bella calls out for her boyfriends, who's currently playing some tune on the piano. The same tune he played when he first saw Valentina in Alice's vision. The same tune he plays every time he wants to see his face again.

Not reacting to her voice, he simply drives off into her thoughts; his eyes closed as he thinks about the second time he saw her through Alice.

Edward is looking around an unfamiliar room; the walls paint a silver-grey colour. Dark mint green curtains hanging in front of the big window taking over mostly all of the wall across from the door. Light grey wooden floorboards in the same colour of the ceiling complement the room and the also grey bed with sheets in the colour of the curtains are just another detail perfecting the room cleaned to spotlessness. His eyes fall onto the picture of the nightlife in Paris split into two hanging above the bed – also kept in grey-ish green shades.

A low knocking sound can be heard and his head turns in its direction just in time to see Valentina enter the room with bloody and messed up bottle in her hand. His eyes immediately falling onto the blood it's filled with.

her voice snaps him out of her thoughts and he looks back up at her again; his usual golden eyes a deep black.

"Uhm, Fallow deer."
she means kind of awkward holding it up for her to take.

"I thought you could need it after the incident with Isabella."
Valentina adds; her Italian accent sounding thick in her voice. Not in an unpleasant way; in fact it's a rather calming sound. A unique sound.

"Thank you."
he means as he takes the bottle from him; smelling it softly as if to make sure she's not lying.

Taking a small sip of it, Edward doesn't break eye-contact with Valentina, who's red eyes seem to be the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.

"Your family is housed a corridor above of us, if you'd feel more comfortable around them."
Valentina offers him.

"Aro offered them to stay for a while."
she adds. Edward nods, already having seen something like this in Alice's vision.

Bella nearly screams this time. She's called him four times now and by now she even walked over to him, sitting down beside him.

"My apologies. What did you say?"
he asks her as he stops playing; instantly moving a bit away from her.

"I asked, if you'd stop by tonight?"
Isabella questions him with a brow raised in an annoyed way.

"Jasper, Emmett and myself are going hunting. Gaining some strength for the fight."
Edward informs her.

"But the fight is three days away."
she goes to argue.

"It is."
he simply nods before getting up to walk in the direction of the kitchen; practically feeling her glaring daggers in his back.

"Esme made Lasagne for you."
Edward changes the subject quickly; his feet making their way over to the oven to get the food.

"At least one of you, who still treats me like I deserve."
she mumbles under her breath.

"What was that?"
he questions her not believing his ears.

Has he really been that blind or is he just simply stupid? How could he have missed her ignorance, her immaturity, her selfishness. But most of all, how could he have missed how toxic she actually was.

Since the day they met, she tried everything she could to get to know their secret. She didn't really care about any of them, she cared about the mystery, she liked the thought of everlasting youth, the thought of being superior.

When he thinks about it, Edward has never seen her care for anyone besides herself – and maybe her mother -. She didn't show any kind of liking towards her Dad and would usually complain about how she doesn't want to be here. She never really showed any liking towards her friends either and ditched them the moment she had the chance of being more popular.

"Oh, nothing. I just said how much I love her food."
she smiles sweetly while walking over to him; taking the plate out of his hand with a quick kiss to his cheek – not noticing how he wipes it off as she turns around to sit down.

"I'm glad to hear that."
Esme enters the room with a motherly smile filled with hurt and regret.

Edward shoots his mother a thankful and yet apologising look; the edges of his lips tugging up slightly as she shoots him a reassuring look. 

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