Chapter 5

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Demetri greets the kings with a slight bow.

"Demetri. How can we help you?"
Aro asks curious. They figured he'd spend his time with Kyra rather than in the throne room.

The sandy haired guard takes a step forward and lays his hand in Aro's.

the master comments as Demetri steps away a bit.

"I'll make sure the Jet is ready by tonight."
he adds as Demetri bows once again.

"Thank you, master."
Demetri means and leaves after being dismissed.

Marcus asks since Caius is currently in the dungeons trying to get answers out o fa vampire, who just happens to be a shield.

"Kyra wants to visit Trolltunga."
Aro begins to explain.

As Demetri arrives at Kyra's room, he sees her sitting on her bed watching at an old picture.

"Aro agreed to borrow us his Jet."
he makes himself known as he sits down beside her letting her lean against him.

"When are we leaving?"
Kyra questions.

Demetri replies with a kiss to her head.

When he told her about them being Mates, he told her he wouldn't make the first move. Not because he doesn't want to, he does. But he wants to give her time to get comfortable with him, to fall in love with him. Demetri knows, that humans don't feel the bond like vampires do and while he doesn't necessary like it, he understands and respects it. So, he told her he would wait until she wants to do it, to make it her way at a speed she is comfortable with. Though, that doesn't mean he won't stay a hug or a kiss to her cheek, forehead, or temple.

"I should pack."
Kyra mutters after a few moments of silence.

"Don't pack to much"
Demetri warns in a joking matter.

The rest of the day, the two of them spend packing for two days of hiking and cuddling up in a bed just relaxing in each other's embrace.

If it weren't for a lower guard knocking on the door to inform them, that the Jet is ready, they would have lied there forever, capturing the feeling of their Mate in their arms, the feeling to be in their Mate's arms. Yes, they have cuddled more than once, but this is different. For one, Kyra is awake and not asleep and secondly, she is grown; she is not a little girl anymore.

"Are you excited?"
Demetri asks Kyra as they walk towards the Jet together. He is carrying her backpack, much to her dismay. But he threatened to throw her over his shoulder and carry her as well, if she tries to argue, so she eventually agrees. Not without pouting, though.

Kyra squeezes her eyes together leaving it open just a tad to look where she is going.

"Still sulking?"
he grins as he notices her behaviour.

"I'm not sulking."
the ginger disagrees with him a little too fast. Demetri smirks even wider but keeps quiet nonetheless. Maybe it would be smarter, if he doesn't anger or tease her before they have to spend two days together. With that thought comes a contend smile and the Guard member can't help but steal a glance at Kyra, who is biting her lip seeming distracted by something.

"What's on your mind, mia cara?"
he questions her slightly worried.

she hums looking over to him.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just thinking."
Kyra smiles at him, not easing his worries at all.

"Honestly, I'm fine."
she repeats with a more authentic smile making his tense form relax again. Though, he's still at edge. Not because of her but because she is going to be in danger in less than a day.

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