Chapter 30

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The Volturi sigh boredly as they sit in the plane on their way home to Italy. Alec is sitting with his head leaning against Kyra's shoulder, her back is leaning against the Couch as Jane is braiding her hair but her eyes are trained on Felix and Demetri, who are currently placing Just Dance. They look ridiculous.

Felix screams at her mate as the sandy blonde guard dances to the right instead of the left and bumps into Felix.

Jane rolls her eyes on them; a gentle smile adorning her features as she finishes Kyra's hair.

"Wanna show them how it's done?"
the blonde whispers in the ginger's ear.

Letting the boys finish with one of the lowest scores the both of them have ever seen, the girls take their places and Jane puts on Con Calma. The boys watch as their bodies move smoothly and in sync. It doesn't look that hard and yet the three of them could bet they'd fail miserably at trying it.

Demetri's eyes fall onto Kyra's behind as she shakes it more than necessary. They are still fighting – kind of. Though, at this point they are just ignoring each other to see which one of them breaks and apologies first.

Jane, Felix and Alec have a bet going on; Jane and Felix are convinced it's going to be Demetri and Alec bet against them.

Demetri's eyes widen a bit as she doesn't turn away from Jane at the end and rather shakes her ass right in her direction; the blonde hyping her up as they completely ignore their points.

Felix cheers for them while sending Demetri a provocative wink; the sandy haired boy punching his stomach in reply. A gesture going unnoticed by the girl as they swarm about the Outfits their animal wore in the video.. They want them.

Jacob groans in pain as he lays in his new bed. Billy bought it after he brought Veronica home the first time; he didn't want them to have to sleep in the rather small bed his son had before.

"Morning, Love."
Veronica smiles as she enters his room; a plate and a glass of water in her hands.

"How are you feeling?"
she asks while sitting down next to him; careful not to hurt him in any way.

he tells her honestly.

Veronica squeezes her eyes as she watches his expression before pushing the plate with a Croissant and bun loaded with scrambled eggs, bacon and cheese.

"I made some breakfast."
she changes the subject; a smile forming on his lips.

"Thank you, Baby."
he means and goes to take the Bun, pushing the Croissant in her direction.

"I ate with Billy earlier. Before he went to visit Charlie."
she declines with a shake of her head.

"You stayed the night?"
Jacob questions surprised.

"I didn't want to leave Billy alone. He was pretty... tired after Carlisle left."
Veronica frowns.

She was here as well and it was no pleasant surprise. Hearing Jacob scream in agony as the vampire breaks his bones all over again was just... torture. Veronica held Billy's hand the entire time; the two of them held on to each other like their life depended on it. And as Billy then tried to clean up and get everything clean for the next day, she decided to stay and told him to go to bed after realiesing how tired he actually was.

"You're an angle."
he tells her while reaching up to kiss her softly; the smile on her face only brightening at that.

"I am far from that, Love."
she disagrees.

"And now eat, Sam said it will help you gain your strength back."
Veronica adds quickly as he goes ready to argue.

"I'll take a quick shower."
she informs him as she presses a soft kiss to his head before leaving him to smile to himself.

He doesn't deserve; he does not deserve her at all. But he will treasure her for the rest of his life; it is the least he can do and yet it will never be enough.

Victoria deserves someone, who is able to get her everything she wants; someone, who is able to protect her instead of getting her in danger; someone, who doesn't have to fear hurting her whenever he gets angry. Victoria deserves more than just the world; she deserves the whole fucking universe.

"So, it's settled then?"
Isabella asks as she is sitting in the Cullen's living room the net day.

She is still quite mad at Edward for leaving her in the woods – again. And for threatening her like he did over the last few weeks.

"It is. We will be leaving for Volterra in a few days."
Carlisle nods; his hand going to rest on Esme's shoulder in comfort.

"We thought you'd like to say goodbye to Charlie and your mother first."
Edwards throws in; his voice sounding as soft and smooth as usual and yet it sounds on edge.

None of the Cullens are really comfortable with handing Bella over for them to kill like a pig raised to be slaughtered. It just ain't right but there's nothing they can do at this point.

Isabella nods simply in reply, unable to supress the upcoming smile. She can't believe she is actually about to turn into a vampire; she would have never thought they'd go through with it. But Bella can't wait either; she can't wait everlasting youth to take over her life and it doesn't really matter what price she has to pay for it.

She is okay with watching her parents die at soe point; she is okay with drinking blood to survive; she is okay with not being able to bear children; she is okay with never changing in her looks once she turned; she is okay with never being able to sleep again; she is okay with never being able to eat human food, Pizza again; she is okay with not stepping a foot in Forks ever again; she is okay with not seeing the sunlight again unless she is away from humans; and she is okay with giving up her whole life.

Isabella wants to be immortal and not because she wants to be with Edward forever but because she is afraid of growing old. And the worst part is, she knows it. Bella knows all of this and is still able to leave behind everything she knows to not grow a grey hair; to not get a single wrinkle.

And it disgusts Edward. But it's not only that; it's his obliviousness that disgusts him even more.

How could he be foolish enough to believe that she was the one to save him from his demons?

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