Chapter 12

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Hey guys, 
First things first, i wanted to remind you that I'm neither from spain nor from Texas, so in case I will offend anyone of you out there, I am extremely sorry! 
And second of, can we talk about how fucking hot Jasper looks in this gif???


Jacob is anxious, Veronica hasn't woken up yet and the fact that he's in a house filled with bloodsucking corpses doesn't make his or rather her situation any better. His wolf is on edge; he just wants to grab his imprint and get her the hell out of here, the father away the better.

Paul fell asleep around midnight - however he managed to do that – leaving the Black boy alone with his thoughts.


Jacob bites back a growl as he sees Esme standing in the door with a plate full of something to eat and a cup of coffee.

"Hello, Jacob."
she smiles motherly and puts the things down on the cabinet at the side of the room.

"I made some pasta in case you get hungry and a cup of coffee."
Esme adds before going to leave the room.

Jacob overcomes his ego as he smells the delicious scent of food.

Esme smiles to herself but doesn't comment knowing it won't do any good.

Meanwhile Isabella is furious, Billy had the audacity to kick her out of; how dare he do this. and where the hell is Jacob? The boy couldn't go five minutes without her and now he's just gone? Ugh!

Jacob sighs a breath of relief as he notices Veronica waking up. Carlisle, hearing it as well, speeds up the chairs with a glass of water and a plate with Toast and Butter for the girl.

"May I?"
Dr. Cullen asks as he stops at the door. Jacob looks at him for a moment before nodding; against his will. But it's what's best for his imprint.

Carlisle questions softly as he hands Jacob the food. Said girl opens her eyes and tries to say something but ends up coughing violently; making pain shoot through her body. The vampire hands her the water and waits patiently as she drinks it slowly but surely.

"Thank you."
Veronica rasps out.

Jacob uses their little interaction to wake up Paul, who groans out loud but gets up nonetheless. well, he has to, hasn't he?

"Would it be okay for me to check you over?"
Carlisle questions. After the display yesterday, he doesn't want to risk her getting frightened by him; that wouldn't do any good, for anyone.

Veronica looks over to Paul, who nods at her to go on before she looks back at the vampire, giving him a silent okay.

"It looks like your rips and stomach are bruised but you should be okay in a few days, if you rest."
Carlisle informs Veronica, who nods in acknowledgement.

"Thank you."
she whispers making him smile kindly at her.

This girl lets his father instincts kick in; she reminds him of Rosalie when he first met her in that dark alleyway. She was hurt and bruised herself but still managed to keep her dignity. Veronica does this as well and he could bet that she's still be able to feel like a million dollars, if you gave her a reason to.

Carlisle turns to the wolf, who looks at him half annoyed half grateful.

"The bruise on her stomach will hurt the next days; but you have to make sure she still eats enough; she should just maybe refrain from solid meals. And, if she doesn't feel comfortable with eating three times a day, you should make her eat little things all through the day. It's important for her stomach to heal the right way and not to shrink during the process."
he tells him and the Lahote boy nods.

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