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Growing up, the idea of marriage has never been something to reach Kyra's heart. She didn't understand why one would need a contract to seal their love; she didn't understand why one would feel the need to seal their love in front of the folk, in front of family or in front of god himself.

But standing in her room, her eyes trained on the mirror in front of her as it reflects her form; dressed in not a shorts or some other pants, dressed in not a shirt or a hoodie but a wedding dress has somehow managed to change her mind.

You don't marry for others, you marry for yourself. You marry because it is a way to show your partner how deeply you care, a way to show to connect with him like never before. It isn't the necessarily changes surname, or the audience being able to see how truly in love one can be.

It's the rings that can be a form of connection to one, the rings that show other one isn't available. It's the vows that hold a certain amount of grace and memories, telling the partner and everyone else why one is in love. It's the traditional ceremony that can make one feel connected to those who aren't able to be there and witness their love. And it's the feeling of finalizing something that can satisfy one.

But of course that's only a few of the reasons why Kyra has changed her mind and of course Demetri is probably the biggest reason but it doesn't really matter why she has changed her view on marriage. What counts is that she is here without any doubt.

"You look beautiful, little sunshine."
Marcus means from behind her and Kyra turns towards her father with a nervous smile on her face.

"Thank you, papa."
she replies, her eyes flying over his figure that, for one, is not covered in his robes but an expensive looking black suit.

"You don't look half bad yourself."
Kyra compliment with a small smirk that earns a low chuckle from him.

"I got something for you."
he finally pulls his hands from behind his back; showing her a beautiful see-through, red veil that looks as though it will reach the floor.

she asks curious but turns around to let him fix it into her ginger waves.

"Ancient Greek brides wore yellow or red veils because we believed those colours, representing fire, would scare evil spirits away."
Marcus tells her softly.

"And Aro wanted me to give you this."
he adds, pulling a small box out of the pocket of his pants.

Kyra gasps as she opens it.

"Are those...?"
she asks mesmerized.

"Diamonds, or the teardrops of the gods. We believe them to reflect the flames of love."
Marcus once again informs her as she turns around to put on the earrings.

Seeing as it was Demetri, who has always wanted to marry his mate, they agreed to celebrate the wedding as though they were in his times. Ancient Greek.

Kyra didn't really have anything to object as she has always thought they were quite the elegant, fascinating and highly remarkable people. And she also can't say she regrets that decision as she is standing here in a gorgeous loosely draped floor length dress that gathers at her waist combined with the red veil, the diamond earrings and the silver armlet. Her hair is falling in neat waves and her makeup is held in natural colours. She does have to admit that she looks beautiful.

"Are you ready?"
Marcus questions.

"As I'll ever be."
she nods and places her hand on his arm, letting him lead her through the castle and towards the garden, where the ceremony will be held.

The moment her bare feet hit the grass, Kyra can feel Demetri's eyes on her; a smile making its way on her face as she completely forgets everyone else around her.

"You... you look... wow."
Demetri stutters out as she reaches him; his hand grabbing her to intertwine their fingers.

Kyra is just going to return the compliment as Caius clears his throat. She still isn't sure how they managed to get him to wed them but she for sure is glad they did, she wouldn't want it to be anyone else.

Her own words and those of others seem to fly past Kyra and Demetri as they are drowning in each other's eyes, completely blending out everything and everyone else as they focus on each other.

It isn't until Aro starts playing the piano and their bodies move smoothly to the melody of tale as old as time – something Kyra insisted on doing – that they are pulled out of their own little world just to get consumed by another, more intense one.

"We're married."
Demetri states in a whisper as if not to disturb the comfortable wrapped around them.

"We are."
Kyra smiles with her forehead resting against his shoulder.

"I love you."
he tells her tenderly.

"I love you more."
she replies.

"That's simply not possible."
Demetri disagrees.

"Wanna bet?"
Kyra grins.

"I'll have eternity to proof you wrong."
he agrees.

"I guess you do."


Hey guys, 

I  wanted to thank you all for reading this story. Honestly, I would have never imagined this to get so many ready but we nearly reached 200k and this is just amazing. 

But I also want to apologies for this kind of sudden end of the story but I just realised how I am running out of ideas and how writing a chapter now seems to take forever. 

But I think, I managed to get an quite alright end, did I? 

And I will definitely try to edit these chapters to get rid of some grammar or spelling mistakes.

But once again, thank you all for reading!

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