Chapter 27

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"Where's Jacob?"
Bella demands to know as she, Edward and Seth get the tent ready for tonight.

"He's spending the night with Veronica."
Seth informs her with a glance to the vampire.

"But he's my best friend. He can't just leave me along like this."
Isabella argues as she stomps her foot like a spoiled toddler.

"Veronica is his imprint; it doesn't really matter who you are. He will pick her over anyone else."
he replies to which the human just rolls her eyes.

"Can you at least hurry up? I'm freezing."
she huffs out a minute later.

"We'll be ready in a minute, Bella."
Edward jumps in and the wolf shoots him a thankful look.

Now, Seth wasn't really against Bella. To a point, he even liked her but as he saw how she lead Jacob on when the Cullen's were gone just to let him down as soon as she heard their name... this was just plain mean.

She broke his heart just to fix hers.

"You think we'll win?"
Seth asks Edward shortly after Isabella finally fell asleep wrapped in more than enough blankets and dressed in the warmest clothes her closet had to offer.

"We will."
Edward nods reading the worry out of the Teenager's thoughts.

"And everyone will be fine afterwards."
he adds.

"You should get some sleep."
Edward adds.

The wolf nods and wraps himself in a blanket as well. It takes him a while to actually fall asleep; the worry about tomorrow and what might or might not happen keeps her awake but once the darkness consumes him, his thoughts get a lot more peaceful.

He dreams about finally finding his own imprint, about introducing her to his mother, who will love her immediately and then introducing her to Leah, who gets all protective over him and threatens to hurt his imprint if she hurts him. Seth can't see his face; maybe because he doesn't care what she looks like – she is perfect just the way she is. Or maybe it is because he doesn't want to know what she looks like fearing he might get disappointed when he eventually does meet her and she does not look like he imagined her to.

Edward uses the night to think about everything that is going to happen over the next few weeks.

There's Bella. According to Alice, she will die in less than a week and he trusts Alice with that. But he knows that despite everything, this will hurt his family; some more than others. Esme probably the most.

Isabella grew on her and quickly became like yet another daughter to her and Edward fears that loosing another child will hurt her more than they could imagine. It's why Carlisle started to take more hours off at work over the last days... to spend more time with his wife. To make sure Esme doesn't get to close to the edge.

The sunrise comes faster than the three of them have wished and before they know it, they're already up again.

Seth, in his wolf-form, stays in contact with his pack to see when the fight is starting while Edward keeps Isabella as busy as possible to prevent her from doing something stupid.

"It's beginning."
he comments as Seth literally screams it at him through his thoughts.

Bella walks over to him and holds onto Edward's arm tightly. The vampire feels quite uncomfortable with it but endures it for now. While he can't hear her thoughts, he can only assume how frightening this must be for her.

"You should have turned me. I could have helped."
she tells him.

And just with that his sympathy is gone.

"No. we are uncontrollable in our first year as a vampire. You'd be more of a liability than a benefit."
he denies; her eyes staring up at him in disbelief. Did he just call her a liability?

But while the two of them are fairly unsuccessfully hidden where they are, the pack is fighting proudly alongside the Cullen Clan.

Tearing the newborns limb from limb, the wolf's teeth tear through the vampires skins. The ground is soon covered in body parts and a small fire to burn said things; both parties obvious to what's going on with Edwards, Seth, Isabella, Victoria and Riley. Though, this quickly changes as Seth calls out for his pack mates with the promise that they'll be fine. He trusts Edward.

And yet, none of them notices the five pair of eyes watching them from afar; ready to step in when necessary.

Kyra is getting a piggyback ride from Felix, who looks quite annoyed with her at this point. Demetri is standing right beside them, glaring at his soulbrother every now and then. Something Felix uses for his advantage by letting his hands slide up Kyra's thighs whenever he's feel Demetri's gaze. He isn't touching his soulsister in an inappropriate way and yet it seems to be enough to put her Mate on edge.

Jane is watching the happening with a roll of her eyes as she has to hide an amused grin. Though, in contrast to her, her brother doesn't bother to hide his amusement and rather teases them about it; Demetri more so than Felix.

"Hey, leave him alone."
Kyra steps in after yet another comment and jumps off Felix to walk over to her Mate; taking his hand in hers as she stops slightly behind him.

"Uh, your damsel came to safe you, princess."
Alec smirks at Demetri.

Feeling a heated glare on him, he glances over to Kyra and walks behind his sister; putting her between Kyra and himself. Just as a precaution.

"Pezzo di merda!"
Jane curses at him before the two break out into a fight once again.

Seriously, the two of them are insulting each other every second of the day. But beware when someone else dares to curse at the other one; because then you're a dead fucking person.



Pezzo di merda = Piece of Shit


So, this is a very short chapter but I will try to write longer once again.

Also, this whole Drama about the election, is driving me crazy. So, please Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania and North Carolina. Please count your votes so the world can sleep again!

Do you guys support Trump or Biden?

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