Chapter Twenty Six

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"See, the girl always falls for the good looking rich guy," one of the boys smugly declares, grinning as he's about to leave.

Not impressed at all, Ella sulks in her seat. "I think I'd rather see the alternative ending." Reaching down for her school bag, she too is now ready to leave.

Of course, Zigs notices that. "Wait for me, Ella...I need to ask you something."

"Okay," she says, watching him gather up his own things. "See you all later." Waving at the rest of us, she's cheerfully ready to go.

Waiting for her not to be able to see me giving Zigs a double thumbs up for good luck, I don't until her back has fully turned. With the warmest grin I can give him, I show him the friendliest of encouragement. With that, Zigs smirks, following Ella as she's leaving the room. "Right, I'm off as well," Ros tells me, nudging against my shoulder with a soft smile on her lips. "I'll message you later."

I like this Ros. This Ros, is someone who has really started growing on me. "Okay, talk later," I tell her, noticing that everyone else is also going. It isn't long before it's just myself and Chas left in the media room. It won't be long before the bell will be going, so I'm going to enjoy every single one of our brief moments alone. Strolling towards where he is, my feet are light. "Need a hand?" I ask him, my voice just as light.

"I'm all done now, but I'll not say no to your hand." Linking his with mine, he smiles as he has me following him to where he left his school bag. While he's scanning the room one last time, he then has me striding beside of him towards the light switch panel. Flicking up a succession of them, we're gradually plunged into a safe darkness. Bringing me fully into his arms, Chas is soon kissing my lips within the shadows of the room. The room is quiet, but this boy is now the composer of my heart—his lips are tenderly tethered to mine, his tongue gently teasing, while his hands affectionately slip their way up my arms—causing a sensuous symphony to beat against my eardrums. Every time Chas kisses me, more of myself becomes his. With every kiss and tongue caress, another thread of my soul belongs to him. As the sweet pressure against my mouth lessens, Chas is just a tempting breath away from my satisfied lips. "That was just to remind you that I'm the only one who's getting stuck in between your teeth."

Admiringly, I gaze up at him. Even in the shadows, he is beautiful. "Ahhhhhh, so my boyfriend doesn't just listen to 80s music, then?" With a smile, I humorously acknowledge his cute reference to one of YUNGBLUD's songs.

Holding onto my waist, Chas grins. "I live life on the edge sometimes, I occasionally dip into Radio One," is his rather smug yet gorgeous reply.

"I'm glad you's kind of nice when my boyfriend knows the lyrics to one of my fave songs."

Gathering more of me into his arms, I'm snugly flush against his chest. "One day, I'll know every lyric to all of your favourite songs, Mindy Diaz." Exhaling into the curls on my head, I know Chas is subtly declaring that he isn't just wanting to be my boyfriend today, he's wanting to be my boyfriend for all of my tomorrows.

The strange thing about that – so wonderfully strange – is that I feel all of those tomorrows will be with him. I never thought at this point in my life that I'd have anything figured out, but since Chas has been in it, I honestly think that I do. Again, it's a wonderfully strange thing to feel, but that wonderfully strange feeling has brought me so much inner calmness. I'll take inner calmness to inner turmoil, any day of the week. "You better had." Cuddling him, he has to know that I want the very same thing. Every favourite song, I want him to know. Every part of me, is for him to discover.

Reaching for my chin, Chas lifts it so my mouth becomes intimately closer to his. Again, he kisses me. This kiss, this featherlight kiss, is so gentle and so sweet, it's loaded with heart-racing and stomach-fluttering dopamine. I just want to stay like this—dreamily locked in this moment, dreamily locked to his lips.

Ring! Ring!

However, the bell has other ideas. "I'll wait for you after school, yeah?" Chas quietly asks me, still smiling with those lips that have just kissed me into becoming a smitten mess. Opening the door for me, his smile quickly morphs into a one-sided grin. "Then, you can tell me all about what's going on between Zigs and Ella."

There's so much I want to talk to Chas about. So much that I want to share with him. When we eventually get to chat about music, revision and life in general, I'd like to slip in how he's changed my life for the better, how he makes me feel less afraid of my future, how my teenage self has fallen wildly in love with him...or, I'll just fill him in about Zigs and Ella.

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