Chapter Twenty Two

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Not exactly how I imagined my dad and Mindy first meeting, but meet they did. I suppose it could have been worse—he could have found us mid-snog. Yeah, that would have made it all kinds of awkward. Sure, dad was suspicious at first. My workshop is my sanctuary, he knows that. It's not somewhere I take girls. Can't say I've ever taken any girl there, but Mindy isn't just any girl. I've been wanting her to see my sanctuary, because when I'm away from the workshop, she's become a new kind of sanctuary for me. With her, life feels less complicated. With her, my days feel easier. Dad himself seems quite taken with her, as well. He's never shown much interest in my interest in girls, but since we dropped Mindy off at her house, he's suddenly curious about my love life. I didn't think he would see past all of her eye makeup. I thought he'd pass unfair judgement on my goth girl, but just like me, dad is wanting to know more about her. On the drive back home, he wanted to know how long had I known her for, where is she from, what do her parents do—that kind of thing. Like the smitten teen that I am, I happily told dad what he wanted to know. It's not often he and I talk about stuff, but Mindy strangely gave us something worthwhile to talk about. Which is kind of weird. I don't really like talking to my dad. I don't actually like spending too much time with him. When I do, I always feel like that time with him is like experiencing the calm before the possible storm. However, he's been really trying lately. So I suppose, I should be trying as well. Besides, I like talking about Mindy. I also like thinking about her, and after that kiss, I'm going to be doing a whole lot more thinking about her. Kissing her, it felt right. I'd been wanting to do it for quite some time, and it was more incredible than I ever could have imagined. I've never gone in for all that 'soulmate' crap, but when I kissed Mindy, something told me that everything she is, everything that she'll become, is all I'll ever want. To hear your own inner voice telling you that, certainly has you questioning all that 'soulmate' stuff. It's now got me wondering, that's for sure. You could say, that's all I've ever done since Mindy Diaz first came into my life.
I wondered who she was.
I wondered why there was a sadness behind her smiles.
I wondered how I could make her happier.
I wondered what it would be like to hold her.
I wondered what kissing her would feel like.
Now, I'm wondering if I'll be enough for her.
I'm wondering if smitten teenage hearts ever survive beyond their teens.
I'm wondering if I can be patient until the next time I see her.
Yeah, there's a lot of wondering going on inside of me at the moment. After us opening up to one another yesterday, and after our kiss today, I just want to be with her again. Until then, I'll do some revision, eat some food, have a shower, listen to some music, push aside the missing of my grandpa, also push aside the resurfacing memories of my mum...nope, I'm not letting anything get in the way of me remembering that kiss...nothing!

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