Chapter Fifty Four

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Skin-to-skin, a new beginning for us came
Our unity, our love, our strengths and weaknesses, never the same.

Skin-to-skin, her body was meant for my fingertips
Every curve and contour, felt like I was touching bliss.

Skin-to-skin, we explored a new avenue of our love
We stroked, we kissed, we floated below and above.

Skin-to-skin, my girl has embedded herself deeper in my heart
Mindy Diaz, she will be my every every start.

Skin-to-skin, in every way we now belong
Even when they say we aren't right, they will be wrong.

Skin-to-skin, I'll love her until I'm a weary old man
I'm hers, she's mine...that was always love's plan.

Chewing the plastic end of my pen, I stare down at the words that have just poured from out of me. Onto the paper of my scruffy old notebook, it's like the ink is absorbing all that I am thinking and feeling about Mindy. I didn't think I was capable of loving her anymore than I already do, but now that we have lost our virginity's, and now that there's a sexual element to our relationship, I love her more than I ever thought possible.

There's a new level of love to us. New depths to our feelings. A new view to that ever-giving love of ours. We haven't told anyone about us beginning a sexual relationship—we agreed to that on the night that we did. No one needs to know. It's our business, no one else's. We feel no need to talk about what we have done. To brag or gossip about it. No, we have far more important things to be doing with our time. Mindy and I are studying hard, and loving hard. Just as we have evolved, so too are our lives. We're focusing on our futures, wanting good exam results, wanting us both to achieve our college goals.

I'm happy.
Mindy is happy.
Our parents are happy.

In a nutshell, life is good and uncomplicated. I like good and uncomplicated. I like waking up to happiness, then falling asleep with that same happiness. I like being one half of mine and Mindy's team. Together, we're dynamic and determined. Every day, every moment I am with her, I learn more about who she is, who I am, and who we are. For instance, she likes to fall asleep on her left side. Personally, I prefer lying on my right side, but the will to cuddle her is so strong that I often discard my own preference just to keep her in my arms that little bit longer. It's not until you fall asleep beside someone, do you learn such things. I'm enjoying this newness to us. I'm enjoying discovering our sexual sides...discovering the truest form of intimacy.

I just hope that what we have, doesn't ever get jaded by age or time. That life doesn't get in the way of it. I love Mindy. Now, and all of my tomorrows, I'm going to love her. Even at sixteen, I know I'll always feel this way about my girl. In between our school life, our family life, our relationship, and in between our adolescence, there's love...the realest kind of love.

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