Chapter Twenty Three

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"That was wonderful, wasn't it?" As mum and I are exiting the art gallery, we're both smiling with the widest of smiles. For once, we're smiling about something that we've both enjoyed at the very same time.

Feeling inspired by all I've just seen, I now can't wait to go and buy some new pencils and sketchbooks from the art shop. "I think my brain is bursting at its seams with new ideas." I enthusiastically inform mum, happily strolling beside of her.

With her smile not fading from her face, mum's linking her motherly arm with mine. "Then we'd better get to the art shop, so you have everything you need to create all those fabulous new ideas." With bouncy strides, she's holding me tighter, unusually sounding proud of me.

"Great minds think alike." I answer, sideways glancing at mum; grinning. Being with her, like this, surprisingly feels nice. To just be her daughter and for her to just be my mum, is actually feeling enjoyable. The walls we've both had up over the years are finally coming down. Now that they are, it's like we can really see each other again. We're learning about one another, learning how to laugh and enjoy things together. Mum's making an effort and so am I. I've even toned down my makeup for her today, as she's always saying she no longer knows what I truly look like under everything that I put on my face. However, my black steampunk swing dress, along with my thick black tights and my chunky heeled boots; they had to stay.

"Do you want to have some lunch before hitting the art shop or can't you wait to go?" Mum's cheerfully now asking me.

With both hunger and excitement rumbling around inside of me, I decide that I'll enjoy the art shop much more if I'm fed and watered first. "Food, then arty treats after." I eagerly suggest, hugging mum's arm a little more. Yup, this really is nice.


Keeping our togetherness going, mum and I have ordered a baked Camembert to share, with a side order of home cooked sourdough bread and salad. Quietly, we're tucking into it with hungry delight. As we're chewing, we occasionally smile at one another; both of us enjoying the food and company. After a succession of satisfying mouthfuls, mum instigates a new conversation. "You seem much more settled at your new school. Have you been making lots of new friends?"

Dipping a small piece of bread into the warm depths of the Camembert, I'm enthusiastically nodding. "A few." I tell her, keen to get my loaded with gooey cheese nibble straight into my mouth.

As she's watching me chew, I can tell that mum is wanting to ask much more, so while I'm chewing, she's thinking. With a small smile, she eventually starts asking what's on her mind. "This Chas boy that I've heard you mention a couple of times, is he one of your new friends?" Again, she smiles; like she's trying to make her question appear to be one that's not being intrusive or nosey.

Happily, I nod. "He is." Okay, we're more than friends now, but first and foremost, Chas is my friend. I think our friendship has naturally developed into something much more, it's just that the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing hasn't actually been spoken about between us. I'm guessing that we are. I mean, Zigs is my friend as well, but I don't go around kissing and cuddling him, now do I? In fact, I think he's got a bit of a thing for Ella. He's never said anything, but I'm noticing more and more how he often looks at her like she's the most important person in his world. It's actually quite sweet. I don't know whether Ella thinks of Zigs in that way, but I intend on subtly finding out if she does or not.

"Sam is no longer your boyfriend since leaving Stratford, then?" Mum now asks me, rather interested in my love life all of a sudden.

"Nope!" Is my brief answer to that. I don't need to elaborate. I don't need to explain. Sam is in my past.

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