Chapter Fifty Two

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Chas has kissed me many times before, but this kiss is different. It began as a small kiss, then Chas pulled away for an instant, before devouring my mouth with his sudden hunger for me. Now, his lips are passionately moving against mine, his tongue just as passionate on the inside of my mouth, his arms demanding that not even a particle of dust be between our bodies. The domination of his kiss has me inwardly floating, every part of me feels light and free. Desire, affection, and love, fizzes through my veins like my blood is transporting bubbly joy around my body. With his hands sinking deeper into the depths of my hair, Chas lowly moans with how my curls feel around his fingers.

"Shall we go to my workshop?" he hoarsely asks, caressing my mouth more than kissing it, articulating his ache for me.


"Yeah, now," Chas grins, rubbing more of his lips sensuously across the seam of mine.

"What shall we tell my mum and your dad?" It's not exactly late in the evening, but our parents might ask a few questions about where we are going at this time.

Keeping both his hands fully immersed in my hair, Chas grins some more before planting a single kiss of tenderness to my mouth. "We'll just say that we're going for a walk."

Thinking for a second, I gaze back at him with a sheen of inquisitiveness in my eyes. "And are we just going for a walk?"

"Yeah, to my workshop," Chas confidently comments, massaging the tips of his tender fingers against my scalp, smiling at me like he knows I would agree to absolutely whatever he has planned for us.

And he would be right. "Okay," I eagerly say, keen to straddle him from where he's sat on the edge of my bed.

Slipping his hands beneath the tightness of my black camisole and fishnet top, I know that they're a pair of hands wanting to touch so much more of me. "I love you, Mindy. I want to be alone with you. Totally alone," Chas lovingly declares, his palms softly skimming the bare lengths of my back, his eyes expressing all of that love and longing that he carries for me.

Smothering his mouth with all that I feel for him, my lips press against his, pleasurably wanting him to understand how much I love who he is and how much I am longing for the very same thing. "In every way, Chas, I want to be yours."

Removing his hands from beneath my clothing, he brushes the curls from off my face, like he's wanting to see the whole of my naked face in the same way he is wanting to see the rest of me. "I know I'm ready to be with you, I just need to hear you say that you're ready to be with me?"

Admiring his quiff before stroking one side of his serious face, I tell him what he needs to hear, "I'm ready to be with you," a soft-edged smile follows my determined reply to him.

I am ready.
We both are.
We've often talked about our first time. We've waited for our first time. We have even prepared for it. We have done everything right. Now, we're both ready for it to happen.

Bringing his head to rest against mine, Chas removes his hands from my cheeks, wanting them for caressing both sides of my neck. "Okay, let's tell the cake-eaters downstairs, then we can go," he says, half joking/half serious.

Getting up from his lap, my veins now start fizzing with excitement and nerves. We have starved ourselves long enough of losing our virginity's to one another, now we are keen to feed that teen appetite. Everything inside of me is effervescent with the anticipation of what is to come. With light and bouncy feet, we both can't wait to get out of the house and to the workshop.

"We're going for a walk...back later," Chas calmly informs his dad and my mum, with me casually peeping over his shoulder with a just as casual smile. As far as they know, we really are just going for a walk.

"Okay," Rob mumbles, too preoccupied with the film that he and my mum are snuggled up watching.

Glancing my way, mum briefly smiles in my direction. When I return one back to her, I just hope she can't tell by my face that I'm about to do something that I know she wouldn't approve of. Not that I need her approval. Myself and Chas are now of the legal age to have sex. We have waited to be legally together. We have waited to get this right. Now, we want this to happen. I want this to happen. I always knew that I would wait to find someone worthy enough to give my virginity to, and when I met Chas, I knew he was that worthy someone. I love him and he loves me. I know that. I am sure of that. He made my birthday so incredibly special, which is why I want to do the same for him.

With our fingers laced together, we're soon on our happy way towards the workshop. I actually feel less nervous about giving my virginity to Chas than I did about giving him the drawing of him and his mum. I wanted it to be perfect. When Rob sent me the original photograph of his former wife, I just stared at it for the longest time. She really was a beautiful lady. The photo was one of the last few taken of her, standing beneath a tree during a family picnic. The camera had captured the captivating her, dots of celestial-like sunshine glittering through the leafy gaps of the ancient willow tree, its boughs reaching down around her to embrace the angel that she soon would become. I kept staring at the picture, wishing I could have known her, wanting to immortalise the person and the mother she used to be. I think my pencil did that. When Chas cried, I knew my pencil had honoured his mother, and honoured their relationship.

"You okay?" Chas asks, eyeing me with the warmth emanating from his brown gaze, still keeping his strides light but purposeful.

"Yup!" I just as warmly look in his direction, my pace perfectly matching his.

Between our hand holding, the knowing smiles and the quieter-than-usual vibe, Chas and I are happy. We both know that the next chapter of us is one where we're going to be reading the pages of our story, together...a new kind of together.

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