Chapter Twelve

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"Oh look, I see you've gone for another shade of black eyeshadow...just for a change." The pointless sarcasm drips off the catty tongue of Ros, while disgustingly looking at me like she's inspecting a turd or something. 

This girl doesn't like me. Can't say I like her, either. Usually, I ignore the petty cow that she is, but today, I'll make an exception. "Oh look, I see you've put on your very immature pair of knickers today." Swanning on past her, I throw a sneer of absolute dislike her way, giving a flick of my middle finger.

Although I'm walking away from her, I know she's throwing as many imaginary knives into my back as she can. Ever since I've been at Archleigh High, that girl has had it in for me. When Chas and I hit it off, that's only increased her spiteful vendetta towards me. Not that she and her vendetta bother me, I've got far more worthwhile things to be worrying about. Things, that make Ros even more insignificant than she already is. Deep in my thoughts, I'm striding through the school corridor, just wanting to get to my DT class without anymore pathetic interruptions. It's one of my least favourite subjects, so I just want to get it over and done with. Truth is, I just want this whole stupid day over and done with. I've even purposely put on more eye makeup this morning, in the hope that Mrs. Woolington will send me home because of it. I don't want to be here. I don't want to be in Minehead. I don't want to be with mum. I've tried this new start of hers, and although it's working out rather nicely for her, I can't say it is for me. I've tried, I really have, but I'm unhappy here. I'll be far happier with my dad. Far happier at my old school, in Stratford. That's why I need to speak with my dad, I need to get him to agree to me returning back with him.

"Hey Mindy!" To the side of me, stands a smiling Chas.

As gloomy as my mood and this Monday is, his smile manages to push aside some of that gloominess. "Hey." I quietly greet him, stiffly returning his smile with my own. As crappy as I'm feeling, as chaotic as my thoughts are; I'm glad of having Chas by my side.

"How was your weekend?" Opening the door to our DT class, he's letting me walk on through first, waiting for me to tell him how amazing my weekend was until I stupidly decided to return to Minehead earlier than planned.

"It was good." I sombrely say, of course not mentioning anything about discovering my mum partaking in some Sunday shower sex. 

Falling quiet for a few seconds, Chas decides to take the seat beside of me, obviously wanting to buddy up for the duration of the lesson. As I'm getting out my book and pencil case, I sense that he's watching every single one of my depressed movements. "Are you feeling okay?" He's now whispering into my ear, not wanting anyone else to hear him asking me that.

With a sidelong glance at him, I crisply nod that I am. "Yup!"

Gazing at my blank profile, I know that Chas doesn't buy that I'm okay...he's not buying it at all. "At break time, you're going to tell me what's bothering you, Mindy Diaz. Even behind all that eye makeup, I know something's up."

This boy is emotionally crippling me. Breathing in hard, I'm just not wanting to fall apart. Not in front of him, not in front of the class. "I'm fine, I just didn't sleep well." Is now grumbled from out of me.

"If that's so, you can tell me at break time why you didn't sleep well." Getting out all he needs for class, he then drops his rucksack down on the floor; refusing to drop his concern for me.

Sighing, I don't say anything more, a weak smile in his direction is all I have. I've not wanted to talk with anyone about my feelings, but with Chas and that kind smile of his, I'm warming to the idea of opening up to him about all that's bothering me. Somehow, he manages to do that. He has me wanting to share all that's inside of me, whether it's big and important or small and unimportant—such conversations come so easily with him. With that in mind, break time can't come soon enough.

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