Chapter Twenty Four

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In my hand I'm holding a picture of my face
Draw by the hand of a girl, who's filling my heart's space.

In shades of pencil grey, she's captured who I am
Feelings for her are filling like a magnificent dam.

With her, this world doesn't feel so bad
With her, fears and doubts I no longer have.

I help her with the bad dreams, coming at night
She's helping me see life, through a different lens of light.

We're good for one another, our young souls fit
Even though those around us are thinking we're too young for it.

A teenage heart can know what it wants and what it needs
Just like an older heart, on affection and care it feeds.

Beat by beautiful beat, it will devour that affection and care
Within the chest cavity, that warm heart will wait there.

Waiting for the one, the one it wants to warmly beat for
Ba-boom Ba-boom Ba-boom, it beats more and more.

The Ba-boom's of my heart, belong to only Mindy Diaz
The Ba-boom's of her heart now only belong to me...Chas.

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