Part 11

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Louis' POV

2 weeks.

I haven't seen Harry for 2 weeks.

I haven't been able to look into his emerald eyes for 2 weeks.

I haven't been able to touch his skin for 2 weeks.

I haven't been able to hold him for 2 weeks.

Zayn and Niall haven't talked to me since the incident, whenever we brush past each other they barely look in my direction. They act as though I don't exist.

I try to talk to them all the time but they just glare at me and walk away, I feel like I'm falling  into this black abyss and there is no way out. Every day without Harry I just go deeper and deeper and maybe one day I'll reach the end and I'm just waiting for it to happen.

Every morning I wake up and dread walking the halls of the school which is ironic considering that I'm the popular kid who makes peoples life miserable, which is why every morning before school I paste a smile on my face and get ready to brave another day.

"Hey man, party at my place tonight better see you there" Liam said as he fist bumped my shoulder and paraded down the halls friday afternoon.

Maybe going to this party will help get my mind off everything, I could let loose for the first time in two weeks and just stop thinking at all. I can have fun even if it's just for one night.


I could feel my nerves rising as I walked through the doors to Liams house who already had music blasting throughout every room and had nearly half the school here so far.

I jumped in shock as I felt an unknown body jump onto my back "Hey mate good to see you here!" Liam shouted over the music and I visibly relaxed.

"Yeah mate it's good to see you too" I chuckled as he handed me one of the beers from his hand and I took a large swig needing to get wasted as soon as possible.

Liam grinned at my action and quickly handed me another bottle to which i gladly took and started making my way through the bodys glistening with sweat as the lights flashed an array of colors.

Soon enough I was just another sweaty body dancing with the crouds as I felt the alchohol coursing through my veins while many girls grinded on me and attempted to take their claim.

I watched as people started to gather around the coffee table in Liams living room with some peoples heads ducking every now and then, I stumbled over to the gathering knowingly and took a seat next to a brunnette who quickly latched onto my arm.

I took one the the bills offered and created a thin line of the white substance then rolled up the tenner and inhaled the substance through my nose.

I quickly felt the high coming on as the cocaine penetrated my brain preventing the dopamine in my body from being recycled as everyone around me cheered.

The girl next to me gave me a flirtatious smile and pulled me onto my feet nearly dragging me through the croud as I stumbled over my own feet feeling euphoric and not wanting what I felt to end.

She took me upstairs stopping every few seconds so smile at me over her shoulder and giggling not-so subtly.

We got a few looks from fellow student as we walked the hallway leading to Liams guest bedroom, once we stepped inside she pushed me onto the bed and locked the door behind her.

She came over to the bed and put her thighs on either side of my hips and leaned her face towards mine and moved to nibble on my ear "I've been wanting to do this since I first saw you walking down the school hallway" she whispered seductivly.

I hummed in response not quite knowing what she meant by that and not be able to form a coherent sentence with all of he drugs that I was on still in my system.

She lightly giggled and then grinded her hips down on mine errupting a broken moan from the both of us (help my mom just walked in on me writing this)

She continued grinding down on me eventually stopping to unbutton my pants and remove her blouse as she took my hands and slowly guided them to her breasts.

Liam's POV

I watched in shock as one of the girls knows as Eleanor pulled an unsteady Louis up the stairs and most likely to a guest bedroom, even as I was slightly high on substances I could not let anything happen between Louis and Eleanor when he probably doesn't even know the day.

I tried to pace myself through the crowd towards the two while stumbling slightly due to the toxins in my system.

Once I got up the stairs I noticed that they went into the guest bedroom. Thats not good.

I would be all for it if Louis was sober but he isn't in the right state of mind to even consent right now.

I took a deep breath and pushed open the bedroom door only to see a shirtless Eleanor straddling a stiff looking Louis on the bed.

"Eleanor get off of him" I said while looking away. "And put on a shirt"

She quickly got up and threw on her shirt and huffed when she looked back at me with Louis now sitting up eyes dazed.

"Liam get out Jesus" she whisper shouted.

"Louis is drunk out of his mind Eleanor you know that, if you do anything with him right now its not right." I state making her slightly back down.

When Louis' phone started ringing I turned around curious to see who was calling only to be met with a shocked looking Louis.

His eyes quickly met mine and he looked slightly, happy?

"I have to go" He jumped up and ran out of the house leaving both me and Eleanor standing there confused as to what the hell just happened.

Louis' POV

"Harry's awake" Zayn stated on the other side of the phone "we are still at the hospital and Harry said he wanted to see you"

I quickly hung up the phone and turned to Liam "I have to go" and with that I started running.

I ran like my life depended on it, slowly sobering be up by the second. Adrenaline was coursing throughout my veins as the cool outside air entered my lungs.

My steps were pounding in sync of my racing heartbeat and yet my mind was still racing faster than it.

All I could think about was Harry, I finally get to see Harry.

The pound of my footsteps echoed into my ears as I felt a bead of sweat roll down my forehead and splatter to my chin. The excitement and anticipation of seeing Harry only added strength I knew I needed. The soles of my shoes hitting the harsh cement below me, I wasn't slowing down no matter what it took.

Hi :)  Hello, sorry I haven't updated in a while haha I'm really bad at keeping track of things but I hope you enjoyed!

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