Part 3

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I awoke at around four am as my aunt and her friends were still screaming and I went to sleep fairly early so I decided I would get up and go for a walk.

I got up out of my bed and pulled sweatpants over my long legs and threw on my favourite sweater.

I made my way down the stairs and attempted to leave out the back door hoping not to get caught but luck wasn't in my favour because one of my aunts friends were just walking past.

"Where do you think you're going?" He slurred.

He reeked of beer and sweat so I tried awfully hard to ignore him so maybe he would leave me alone, though I knew he wouldn't.

"Hey are you listening to me boy!?" He grabbed my collar and slammed me to the wall, knocking all of the air I had out of my lungs. "Answer the damn question you faggot!"

I flinched at the words.

"I didn't hear you what'd you say"

He slapped me. Before I could do anything he shoved me to the ground and started kicking me in the gut, I winced in pain as his foot collided with my stomach once,twice,the times before he finally walked away with a swig of his beer.

I groaned in pain and let out a slight hmph as I brought myself to my feet leaning against the wall behind me for support.

I knew I had to leave fast or else my aunt would come and find me so I checked my phone for the time 4:27am and limped as fast as I could out of the house.

I ended up at the graveyard since I still had a while before school and talked to my mum for around an hour before he showed up.

Louis' POV

I was walking past the graveyard to get to Liams house before school started when I saw a familiar head of curls sitting at one of the gravestones, I scoffed.

"Mommy I miss you" I heard him say.
"It's just so hard without you here, I just wanna give up and come be with you. Nobody likes me, people are so mean to me at school and even aunt crystal gets pretty mad at me, I'm trying so hard to make you proud but everyone around me keeps on telling me otherwise. Do you think I can do this? I don't" The glare quickly left my face as I watched the boy with the pretty green eyes pour his heart out to the gravestone before him.

"I don't know if I can survive the harsh reality of existence but mom I'm so scared of death" The boy said. "which is funny coming from me. I'm sorry I disappointed you mommy I know you wanted a kid that would make you proud like Gemma"

I felt tears welling up in my eyes and my nose start running and that's when my body disobeyed me and I sneezed. Harrys eyes shot over to me and I felt a strange sense of sorrow and fear in the bottom of my gut as he stared intently at my stiff figure.

"How much of that did you hear?" He asked sounding almost frightened.

"All of it"

"God damnit!" He screamed and ran off before I could say anything. I didn't know any of that was going on in his life and I slowly felt a wave of guilt flash over me and before I knew it I was running after Harry.

"Harry wait up!" I yelled.

"Why do you can beat me to a pulp?" He turned around so fast I nearly crashed into him, his eyes were empty. In a horrifying kind of way.

"I-I'm sorry" I stuttered out before mentally slapping myself for being nervous around him.

"No you aren't you are pitying me because you don't want to take responsibility for your actions" His words were barely making any sense to me and just seemed jumbled up but I knew that I was at cause for his pain.

"Harry wha-" I'm trying to talk you him but the plain fury in his eyes is intimidating, yeah it's even intimidating me.

"NOBODY IS FUCKING SORRY THEY JUST HURT YOU UNTIL YOU REACH YOUR LAST STRAW AND THEN THEY TAKE PITY ON YOU AND ACT LIKE THEY DIDNT FUCKING DO ANYTHING"  I flinched backwards at his tone and the rage in his eyes only grew darker, his face was red with anger and there were veins popping out of his neck as tears rolled quickly down his cheeks.

I wanted to say I was sorry, I wanted to just hold him and tell him everything would be alright and that he was sage with me but I couldn't. I couldn't because I knew the painful truth, I am the cause of this. I did this to him and I can't take it back.

I was snapped back to reality when he gave me one last teary glance before scoffing and walking away.

Harry's POV

I decided to skip school, this was it, I'm done with life. My bully, the person who has hurt me the most knows that I'm some pathetic loser who talked to dead people.

I cant handle this anymore, what was he even doing there? I questioned myself, totally confused.

I brushed it off, he was probably there to hurt me or something anyway. But so early? Whatever it's none of my business.

Before I went home I decided to stop at the store and buy a bottle of Advil. I knew this day was coming but I never knew it would come so fast, or maybe I did. Maybe I knew it would but I was too scared to admit it.

I walked into my house and immediately saw my aunt and the kitchen table "what are you doing back here brat" she slurred. I ignored her and ran upstairs as she continued to yell at me, I locked myself in the bathroom and opened the bottle of pills taking one in my hand. I was about to pop it into my mouth when I heard a ding come from my phone.

It was a text from and unknown number.

Harry I'm so sorry I didn't know what I was doing, I didn't wanna lose my only friends and I was scared I never meant to effect you this much.

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