Part 13

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Third person POV

One week ago

"Harry are you ready to go" Louis asked slightly worried since Harry won't be going home but instead going to a mental hospital or "rehab facility" as the doctors like to call it.

Harry had re learned who everyone around him was though they were hoping he would remember it on his own.

He still remembered most things but some days he would just... forget. It scared Louis. Hell it scared everyone that came into that hospital every day praying that one day Harry would wake up and remember, anything. They wanted him to remember just anything he could.

Harry gave Louis a small smile, they have bonded over the time in the hospital, Louis never left his side. Harry was falling in love with Louis all over again, Louis loved him too. Neither of them were brave enough to vocalize it.

Harry nodded and started to climb out of the hospital bed he has been cooped up in for the past week, he started to stagger walking towards his to-go bag and everyone took a step towards him in case he fell.

James and Amelia came back the morning after they found out Harry had some memory loss, they were heartbroken.

Harry continued taking small staggered steps until he stopped, and crashed to the ground like putty. He started shaking with sobs as he leaned against the side of the hospital bed.

Niall, Zayn and Harry's foster parents all rushed to his side while I stayed back, and watched.

The tears were freely falling down louis' cheeks at this point and He couldn't hold back his tears any longer. He has been strong for harry for far to long.

Suddenly, he crashed to the ground next to Harry and hugged him in his arms rocking them back and forth, they cried together, both shaking and heaving with cries. They were comforting eachother, they were healing.

That was the day everyone found out that Harry forgot how to walk.

*Flashback over*

Louis' POV

"Louis" I was awoken with a startle forgetting that I was in the waiting room of Harry's therapy session.

I don't have to come to these as they are in Harry's rehab building but I come anyway, I like to hear how he's doing and talk to him about it.

I look up to see Harry in his wheelchair with his therapist Riley standing behind him with a grin on her face which confused me.

Usually she comes out looking defeated, this must be good right?

"How did it go?" I asked while walking towards them hoping only to hear good things.

Riley took a deep breath before she began speaking. "He did very well today, he told me how he was feeling which is amazing and I am very proud of him for that" she praised "And I noticed he is having less trouble with speaking!" "His memory must be getting better"

I chuckled at that "yea I guess re-learning almost everything that has come easily to you your whole life in one day isn't as hard as it seems" I replied sarcastically. Oops.

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