Part 12

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Louis' POV

I finally arrived at the hospital not long after, I was covered in sweat and heaving with every breath I took but I was just too excited to finally see Harry.

Yea I'm nervous, how could I not be. I know I have been horrible but I want to apologize to him and tell him the truth. I'm not gonna hang around anyone who hurts Harry anymore, and I will never be the one to hurt him again.

After asking multiple nurses where Harry was situated I finally got one of them to show me to Harry's room. I slowly walked inside the room with shaking hands, I didn't look up for a few moments too scared of what pain I had caused him, but when I did I realized something.

Not only is Harry the shade of a ghost, he's also asleep.

"I thought you guys said he was awake and asking for me"  I fretted while hastily turning my attention towards Zayn and Niall.

They both looked at me empathetically "he was awake I promise Louis, but after he asked for you he started having a coughing fit and they had to sedate him" Zayn explained while Niall played with the rip in his jeans.

I just nodded and look a seat on the opposite side of the room next to Harry's bed and took his hand in my own realizing how cold and fragile he was. I brought his hand up to my lips and gave it a small kiss hoping it would help in one way or another.

After a what felt like an eternity I finally laid my head on Hazza and I's intertwined hands and slowly drifted off feeling drowsy from the alcohol that's still running through my body hoping to sleep it off.


A nudge to my arm and hysterical screaming causes me to jerk awake with every thought racing through my head at a fast pace. After a few seconds of sitting in shock my eyes finally adjust to the light in the room remembering only few of the events of the last night.

I finally come to my senses and see Harry squirming in the hospital bed with his arms and legs flailing in the air while his mouth is agape with shrilling noises coming from it.

I quickly start panicking and decide on pressing the red button on the side of his bed hoping for the doctors to hurry up.

I softly start petting Harry's hair hoping for it to calm him only to have him slap my hand away as he begins to shriek even louder bringing tears to my eyes.

Knowing that there's nothing I can do at this moment I make the rational decision and crawl into the bed next to Harry and slowly wrap my arms around his body and cross my legs over his.

Niall and Zayn rush into the room along with three doctors and they all rush to opposite sides of the bed while Niall and Zayn stood in the doorway watching their best friend in so much pain and fear.

I have tears streaming down my face while I hush comforting words into Harry's ear hoping to calm him while he continues to squirm in my arms though now it has been lessened.

After his screaming comes to a stop and he tired himself out from moving too much he started sobbing softly in my arms only breaking my heart even more I kissed him on the cheek and praised him for finally calming down.

"His vitals are fine and there seems to be no abdominal swelling going on, his brain swelling has gone down but there is some still left but he should be okay. He might be in some pain or discomfort for a little while considering how serious his injuries were, he may also have some shortness or lack of breath, coughing fits every now end then though it is nothing to worry about just make sure he gets some water to moisten his throat and try to spit any form that may be in your lungs out to help with that aswell, he may vomit aswell but it is just his body re adjusting and attempting to get rid of any excess water. His blueish purple skin should go away in a few days and along with the other things I mentioned, it is nothing to worry about" the doctor explained while using his hands as he spoke, much like I did.

After the doctor finished speaking my attention turned back to a now hiccuping Harry with tears still covering his face, I quickly wiped his tears then spoke "what's wrong baby, how are you feeling"

His face contorted as he turned his head to be with more tears in his eyes only worrying me further.

"W-who are y-you guys" he hiccuped.

I heard a loud gasp come from the front of the room and turned my head to see Niall and Zayn comforting one another in eachothers embrace.

"Hazza babe, what do you mean?" I questioned.

"W-who are you" He repeated confusedly.

I never knew I could feel like this before, I never knew I could feel so hurt, so overwhelmed, so, angry?

I turned swiftly to the doctors giving them an obviously panicked look indicating for one of the doctors to begin explaining what has happened.

"Oh!" One of the doctor exclaimed after realizing how confused I was, finally. "Looks like he does have some memory loss from some brain damaged caused by the incident, this is know as hypoxic brain injury and occurs when the brain is damaged due to lack of oxygen. His memory may come back but that depends on the severity of the cerebral hypoxia and how much damage actually occurred. 99/100 patients don't regain their full memory but there is no reason to worry just yet because he may only need to re learn a few things like 'cat' or 'spoon'" The doctor sighs.

"But there is nothing that we can be sure of just yet so we will have to keep him here and continue his testing. He will need to get some treatment for his memory loss when we find out whether it's short-term or long-term memory loss along with rehab, when he gets better he will need to go to rehab as he was found with cut wrists and attempted suicide"

I couldn't hold back the tears anymore, but I couldn't tell whether I was the one shaking or if it was Harry in my arms. I looked down to see his face covered in tears.

"H-home" He seemed to struggle getting the word out.

I softly caressed his hair as he continued shaking with sobs as I tried to whisper comforting words in his ear trying to comfort both me and my baby.

I looked up to see that the doctors left and turned to see Zayn and Niall both watching us with their hands still intertwined.

"Where's Amelia and James?" I quietly questioned them just now realizing I haven't seen them since I got here.

Niall got up and walked towards the bed stuffing his nose and wiping his tears away. He took one of Harry's hands in his own and began to speak.

"Uhm" He cleared his throat and sniffled once more. "They are actually at James's moms house right now, they were just visiting for the night because they wanted to see her before, she uhm-" He coughed indicating to me what he meant.

"And yea, when Harry woke up I called them right away and they got to talk to Harry, they said they were on their way but it's around a three hour drive so it would be a bit before they got here" He sadly chuckled with sorrow in his eyes.

I looked down to see Harry sleeping peacefully in my arms with dried tear tracks still on his face. I continued stroking his hair and whispering nonsense in his ear giving him small kisses on his cheeks and hands every now and then.

And that's how the rest of the night went.

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