Part 20

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Louis' POV

I woke up to a screeching noise blaring throughout my household causing me to shoot out of bed in a panic only soon realizing it was the fire alarm.

I looked at the clock and realized it was six in the morning meaning my alarm would have went off soon anyway.

I quickly exited my room and saw all of my sisters getting out of their rooms to see what was happening and began walking down the stairs while telling them to stay behind me in case of a fire.

Once I got down the stairs I noticed my mom in the kitchen waving a towel around to fan out the smoke while trying to cook eggs with tears streaming down her face.

Tears gathered in my eyes as I peered at her disheveled state and I whipped my head around to see Lottie and Fizzy holding Doris and Ernest in their arms and tears in their eyes also as they looked at their mother in such a state.

Daisy and Phoebe were stood behind them oblivious to what was going on as Jay was hidden from their line of sight. I quickly ushered all the girls back upstairs while assuring them I would take care of it so they could start getting ready for school.

"Mom put that down I got this" I said as I took the spatula from my mothers hand. She jumped at the sudden action and wiped at her tears furiously before forcing a smile onto her face and clasping her hands together once the fire alarm turned off.

"Well hello boo, I didn't mean to wake you and the girls up, just thought some breakfast might be nice before you head off" She explained with a smile.

I smiled with her just happy to have her in my life. "I know mum but you got to take it easy, you have a doctors appointment today so how 'bout you go get ready and I'll finish up here yeah? Where is Mark?"

  She gave me a small smile before replying.

  "He's off at work, co worker called him in. Said they were feeling sick" She wiped her hands off before putting the towel on the counter. "I'm gonna head out soon, you good here?"

  I nodded with a smile and she kissed my cheek before walking towards her bedroom.

I quickly finished cooking breakfast for the girls and me before making sure the stove was turned off and calling the girls down to eat.

Once we finished our food I took the girls and I's plates and put them in the dishwasher to be cleaned later.

Not soon after, we all headed to school saying our farewells to mum and Doris and Earnest, mum had hired a babysitter for them a little while ago thankfully. She's a really kind lady, very polite and trustworthy.

— —

"Hey Louis! Wait up" Niall called from his locker as he slammed it shut with his bookbag hanging from one shoulder and his other hand occupied with his sandwich that he clearly made just before heading off to school.

He quickly ran up to me and nudged me in the side earning a groan of annoyance from me. He  looked puzzled for a moment before it turned to worry.

"Are you alright? What's going on? Where's Harry, wasn't he supposed to come back today?" He was right, Harry is supposed to be here today, I guess I forgot to message him this morning.

The realization dawned on me as I looked to Niall with wide eyes, he looked back at me in perplexity until we were interrupted by Zayn walking up and grabbing Nialls hand.

"What's up guys?" He looked at us with a hesitant smile. "I forgot to message Harry this morning and we don't know where he is" My voice was low and raspy, I had spent the last week in my room crying. Harry would come and visit as much as possible but I understand he had his own struggles, we would sit in silence as I would soak his shirt with my tears. There were few times where I could hear his sniffles over my sobs, I knew Harry hated seeing me like that, I did too.

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