Part 17

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Louis POV

"Hey cut it the fuck out man!" I yelled at Stan who was in the middle of insulting Zayn and Niall who both had tears in their eyes from the insults being thrown at them as they walked down the crowded halls hand in hand.

"Or what" The brown haired boy sneered as he walked closer to me with as he chuckled darkly.

"Or this" I brought my fist eye level with him and charged it into his cheekbone with no regrets. He stumbled backwards but quickly regained his balance and I watched as the man stumbled towards be with angered eyes.

He wildly swung at my face but I ducked quickly causing him to tumble over me and land on the floor, groaning in pain.

"Stan and Louis! To my office this minute!" Mr. Williams -our principal- shouted as we turned towards him panicked.

Stan mumbled something and got to his feet with a huff as I chuckled under my breath at the bruise forming around his eye. He dusted off his pants and shoved past me with a scowl before leaving to the principals office.

I walked over to Niall and Zayn who were now behind the mass body of student surrounding me, some with there phones recording while others sat shocked at how the two most popular guys at school got into a fight.

When I got through the crowd and to Niall and Zayn they rushed over and began to inspect me for wounds only getting them to my hands which were littered with bruises along my knuckles and they gasped at the sight.

"Louis you have to get to the nurses office before these start swelling" Niall exclaimed as he added more pressure to the already stinging bruised.

I hissed at the pain but quickly regained dignity. Pain is just an illusory sensation in which the mind can easily shut down if needed, I told myself hoping to ease the pain. If I don't think about it, it doesn't exist.

"I'd be fine if you'd stop touching my hands" I hissed, slapping Nialls' hands away who looked at me with a hurt expression to which my exterior softened feeling bad for raising my voice at the kind blonde just trying to help.

I looked at Zayn only receiving a glare for being mean to his boyfriend as he grabbed Nialls hand and flared his nostrils at me indicating anger.

"I'm sorry Niall I didn't mean that, I have to go to the principals office but are you guys alright?" I asked hoping to ease the tension.

They both gave a bright smiles. "Yeah everything's fine, you should get going though Mr. Williams is coming" they said nearly in sync.

I looked over my shoulder to see the principal stomping towards us with his brown blundstone boots echoing throughout the halls sending kids scattering to their lockers.

"Yeah I got to go" I chuckled, turning back to them. "See you when I go see Harry?" They nodded at me still smiling slightly.

I turned on my heel and started walking toward the principal who was stood on the other end of the hall with his arms crossed and an angry glower spread across his features.

By now the bell has rung and all of the students have scattered to all of their classes. Third period I thought. One more hour and I can see Harry.

I followed Mr. Williams into his office, seeing a frowning Stan seated in one of the oak chairs in front of the secretary's desk holding an ice pack to his bruised eye.

I chuckled once more only to receive a warning from the principal that if I 'kept up this behaviour' I could get in worse trouble than I already am I'm.

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