Part 2

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Harry's POV

  I remember one afternoon, I was walking home from school. I decided I was gonna take a route through the park only to find it was the worst mistake I could make.

  Louis, Stan and Liam were all there, the three musketeers waiting for their prey. Once their eyes caught mine I knew I had nowhere to go.

  They threw me against the fence and pinned my arms and legs to it with rope they had in their bags, I guessed they planned this beforehand.

  Stan pulled out I knife and brought it to my face with a sadistic grin, I was horrified. And from what I could see, so were Liam and Louis.

  They looked at the blade with terror, scared as to what their friend would do, they watched as he sliced open my stomach. They watched as the red liquid oozed out of the x Stan had carved into my skin. They watched as my vision became blurred. They watched until everything went black and all I could remember was the things Stan had said aswell as the pain, and the looks on Louis and Liams' faces. The looks of regret maybe, or they were scared.

  Scared of me being hurt? Probably not. Scared of Stan? Definitely. Scared of being caught? Also yes.

  I don't remember much from that day, all I know is that that was the day my I stopped eating, I never told anyone obviously because what would they do? Get them in trouble? No that would only make things worse. Magically take the trauma away? I scoffed at that.

  So I kept quiet, I started cutting to release my pain, if I could focus on physical pain my mental pain would dissipate. Even for a little while.


  I was quickly snapped out of my trance when a paper ball was thrown harshly at the back of my head jolting me back to reality.

  I looked around in a daze only to see everyone in the class room pointing towards me with laughter erupting from them, I turned around to see who hit me and saw a red head around my age smirking guiltily.

  I looked forward again to see my teacher giving me a disapproving look while the class continued laughing with pride, causing panic to arise in my body.

  The ringing in my ears were lessening the noise of the others as a quickly grabbed my binder and notes before speeding out of the classroom with glossy eyes and heated cheeks.

  I ignored the principals secretary who was calling my name with worry, she knew I had anxiety and liked to watch over me like a child.

  I'm not a child and will not act like one, I continued walking. Soon I exited the school and the cool air cause chills to run down my arms and hairs to Stan on the back of my neck.

  I arrived home ten minutes later due to my speed walking and heavy breaths. I burst into my home with my aunt being last on my mind not thinking about her reaction to me bursting in so loudly.

  She looked at me with anger and took another swig of her beer as I continued walking through the house eventually reaching my small-sized room with the worn out mattress on the floor and plopped on top of it.

  I reached under my bed and took the bag of blades from underneath. I took one of the small blades from the bag and brought it to my wrist, The stinging sensation soon taking over.

  After about 2 hours and 20 new cuts along my wrists and thighs I got up and got in the shower, the hot water caused a burning feeling to arise from the new wounds though it did not effect me nearly as much as it might have a few years ago.

  Over half an hour later as I finished pulling on my pyjama pants and tugged the crusted blanket over my legs where it only reached above my hip my aunt stumbled into my room reading with alcohol.

"My friends are coming over tonight so you better stay up here and behave you little shit" She slurred.

  I angrily muttered a yes under my breath before she gave me one last glare that sent shivers down my spine and stomped away hastily.

  I finally drifted off into a peaceful sleep after hours of restless tossing and turning, I didn't leave my room until I had to arise from bed for school knowing that if I made the slightest noise my aunt or one of her friends would come up here and start hitting me, or worse.

  It's almost happened before.

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