Part 5

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I'm writing this in class dont judge me

Harry's POV

Once we arrived at my fathers house he sent me off to "my room" aka the basement so he could have who I'm guessing is his girlfriend over. There was a strong smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke but that's no out of the norm.

I didn't want to stay here, honestly I don't even know if I'm referring to this house or this world anymore. I didn't realize what I was doing until I felt the sharp sting and blood trickling down my wrist.

I don't quite remember how much I cut last night by it must be a lot because I woke up  sitting in a pool of my own blood, I still feel a little dizzy but I would rather go to school than stay here.

I got to school without Louis or his friends picking on me which could be one of two things, either he was gonna leave me alone today, or I have something waiting for me at school. I was hoping it was the first one, it wasn't.


"Mom" "mommy help me please!" I begged, Louis' friends had just jumped me but Louis wasn't involved this time. They left me in an alley around the corner from the school. "Mommy it hurts" I clutched my stomach. "Mom the pain won't stop" I sobbed.

"Louis we gotta show you this" I heard Stan from around the corner. Everything was getting blurry now, I feel nothing, I have always wanted this but not this way. I'm getting lightheaded, everything will go dark soon. "Guys what the fuck!" I heard Louis' voice somewhere around me. I opened my eyes and saw Louis hovering over me with Stan and Liam behind him. I tried to scramble away but got quickly hit with a wave of nausea.

Louis' POV

Harry didn't show up for school which usually I don't care about but knowing that Liam and Stan didn't either worries me a bit. I don't care for harry, but the thing is that I care about him more than I instead of expressing my feelings towards him I just make fun of him instead, I know I shouldn't but nobody likes gay people. (This is just for the book it is in no way true<3) And do you really think I want Harry knowing I'm a faggot?

"Come on Louis we wanna show you something" Stan and Liam said in sync. I sighed in relief knowing that Harry was fine.

I followed them towards and alley down the street from our school "Louis we gotta show you this" Stan said once we were in front of the alley "well spit it out guys" I chuckled. They both pointed behind the dumpster and that's where I saw it. Harry was laying on the ground with blood dripping from his mouth.

"Did you guys do this?" I screamed. They both chuckled "Yeah, isn't it great" Liam said. I scoffed and ran to Harry, he looked up at me with glossy eyes and quickly backed away because of I'm guessing me,Liam, and Stan but threw up all over stan's shoes.

Stan's face went red with anger and Harry's face was quickly met with stan's shoe, I tackled Stan to the ground and started throwing punches at him until I heard a familiar voice "L-Louis" I got up and ran to Harry who was now looking at his blood covered self. "Harry love you're gonna be okay I promise"

"Louis I want my mom" His mom? "Harry what do you mean?" "My mom, she's at work but I'm sure she can get o-out just call her I have her in m-my contacts" does he not remember? "Please" he whimpered.

"Harry your mom... your mom is dead" I whispered just enough for him to hear "what? Is this another one of your jokes?" I saw a tear roll down his cheek "Harry your mom is dead I'm so sorry but she died years ago" He quickly scrambled to his feet but his eyes Immediately rolled to the back of his head and he fell to the ground.

"Call for help!" I screamed at Liam and Stan "Please guys do something do something you pieces of shit!" They both looked terrified and ran away. I continued sobbing with him in my arms for I don't know how long until I saw something. His arms.

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