Part 7

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(Continued from last chapter)

"Mom I don't think Harry is safe at home"

She gave me a confused look until she finally said "Louis dear, that is a huge assumption and a very serious one so I need to know, do you really believe that? Because if you do then we need to go to the police"

This made me really think about it. Do I really want to risk accusing Harry's dad of whatever I think is going on? I don't even know what I think is going on, I like Harry and I want him to warm up to me. I owe him this after all of those years of bullying him. At the same time there is this voice in the back of my head telling me 'he's not safe Louis, help him before it's too late' but I'm hoping for the best, and that's why I'm about to say this.

"Don't go to the police mum, I'm sorry I'm just being paranoid" she gave me a sympathetic look before taking my hand like she did when I was a child and leading me out of the hospital.

Harry's POV

"What the hell were you thinking boy? Going out and causing trouble like this?" My father spat. I chuckled at his statement because well, I didn't necessarily choose to get jumped behind a dumpster.

I didn't realize I was laughing until the sound escaped my mouth, shit. I looked at him wide eyed and saw he was looking back at me with the same anger I saw in him that day a few years ago.

He wasn't paying attention to the road.

There was a loud car alarm heard.

And then there was nothing.


"Dad" I whispered "Dad wake up, please, I'm sorry I know I'm not the son you wanted but please dad I love you" the thought of losing my father was racing through my mind as he lie on the cement in the middle of the street. Motionless.

"Someone help!" I screamed at the people who were just standing there watching the scene unfold "Call for help please!" I attempted to get up and make a run for my dad but an excruciating feeling shot up my leg and caused me to fall to the ground once again.

I heard the muffled sound of ambulances as I raised my arm to touch a spot on my forehead, I gagged at the sight of blood on my fingers.

My eyes are getting heavy, I'm getting tired and I just want to sleep.

I feel like giving up, but I just can't, it isn't in my blood.

The paramedics are surrounding me now, I don't know why. They need to help my dad, I'm fine but my dad isn't I want my dad to be ok I need my dad to be ok, I disappointed him and I have to show him that I can do better but he has to be alive for that.

"Dad!" I scream once again "go help my dad you wankers" I look over to where my dad was and realize he's gone. "Where's my dad" I question the lady as they life me on the the stretcher. "He's alright, right?" She gives me a sympathetic smile. No. This can't be happening. Not again. I need my dad.

I was awake the whole ride to the hospital but I'm not sure I was actually there. It was like I was outside of my body, I could see everything going on, I was actually sort of happy.

We arrived at the hospital around two minutes later considering we didn't get far before the car crashed. Everyone was asking me if I was in any distress or pain. Little do they know that I'm numb, I can't feel pain. At least not anymore.

The rest of the night went rather quickly considering that all they needed to do to me was put a cast on my leg (yes I broke it), clean my wounds, and make sure that my ribs and brain were ok. And well, there wasn't much they could do for my dad.

2 weeks later

Louis POV

"Ms, do you know where Harry has been?" I ask my English teacher for the 12th time this week. She always gives me the same answer "I'm sorry Louis but that's confidential information" I roll my eyes and walk back to my desk.

This is the last class of the day and then we are off for the holidays, thank the lord for that.The only downside is that I don't have Harry's number and there won't be any school so there is a slim to none chance that I'll see him before break is over.

I really hope he is ok, the doctors all said he was fine to go home so the thing I'm most worried about is the fear he was showing towards his dad. I hope everything is going alright.

When the final bell of the day finally rang I got up at lightning speed and raced out of the classroom, until I saw something and had to do a double take. Harry, but he has a cast on his leg and is using crutches. What?. I don't remember the doctor saying anything about his leg.

I ran over to him and his eyes looked vacant, almost like they did the day he got beat up. I lightly shook his shoulders "Harry snap out of it" I told him. He gave me a wary smile to which I returned.

"Harry love what's wrong" his eyes brightened at the nickname, he likes it. "What happened to your leg?" I asked.

"Broke" he responded dryly. "How did you break it?" I questioned further, he answered with a shrug, this isn't going to be easy considering how stubborn he is "Harry are you ok? Is everything ok"

"I'm ok" he said sadly, I know he's lying but I'm not gonna push it. "Harry do you want to come to my house?" I asked him hoping he would accept the offer so we could talk more. He just shook his head and avoided eye contact, why is he being like this?

Harry's POV

I can't tell him I have to go back to my foster home I just can't, he's gonna laugh and tell the whole school I just know it. But he won't stop questioning me and he's getting on my nerves, though I know he's just trying to help.

"Harry please tell me what's going on" he pleads, seeming startled when I actually laugh, it's quite funny how much he cares, it's weird to know someone actually cares about you, I haven't felt this way in years "wanna go for a walk around the park?" I ask him, he nods vigorously. Wow maybe he is nicer than I think. We start leaving the school property so I start explaining.

A few minutes later I finally get to the big stuff, I can feel the tears forming in my eyes and I stop walking, or limping, actually no hopping probably describes it best. "My dad died" I decided it was best to put it straight forward so there would be no confusion.

He looked at me for a second before intertwining our fingers, "it's gonna be ok love, everything will be fine" I didn't even realize I had been crying until he reached up and wiped a stray tear as it rolled down my cheek.

I gave him a watery smile and attempted to hide my blush by looking at the ground, wow he really has an effect on me, I could feel my cheeks getting hotter and hotter and the butterflies in my stomach were ecstatic as we continued walking with our hands intertwined.

This isn't so bad.

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